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Download Management


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I've only just now noticed something quite annoying, and counter-intuitive.


Removing a download from the download screen, post download completion, actually deletes the downloaded file, rather than solely the record of the download from the download screen.


This is the exact opposite of every web browser and download manager I've ever used, including Vortex's predecessor, Nexus Mod Manager.


If you're going to make a counter-intuitive feature like that, why not add a warning message that the action will delete the file?



Looks like they changed it so that it now says "Delete" instead of "Remove"

Edited by Vercalos
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Guest deleted34304850

how is it counter-intuitive, if, when you attempt to delete the entry (surely THAT is the counter-intuitive action) you get a warning.

You do understand what it is you're deleting, right?

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It's not a list of downloads (which is what a browser is showing) but a list of mod archives in the download directory. And I'm pretty sure that there is a warning when deleting one of those files.

I don't know what your experience has been, but when I clicked the [...] and Remove, there is no warning. The file is immediately deleted


As I said before, every file manager I've seen with a Downloads screen before Vortex, it wasn't an active record of what files were in the directory it was referring to, it was a record of the download, whether or not it was completed, and in some cases, whether or not the file was still located in the indicated directory.


This is literally the first time I've ever seen a download screen that deleted files when entries were removed from it.

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I actually partially agree with this.

The behavior itself is fine, imho - Vortex isn't a webbrowser or download manager. Mods are downloaded for the purpose of being installed and used inside the tool, it's not intended as a tool to download files and then use them in external applications. It's possible of course, it's just not the intended use-case.

So deleting the files makes sense, the downloads are managed by Vortex, if you could remove them from view without deleting them there wouldn't be a supported way to actually get rid of them.

Also: When you delete multiple files you get a confirmation dialog, if you delete a single file you've already made two clicks to get to that remove button, I feel that's enough to make sure you don't do it accidentally.


However, the terminology is wrong I guess. I think it should say "Delete" when files actually get deleted and "Remove" when something gets removed from view only

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It just seems odd to me that everything you can do on the Download screen is more easily and comprehensively done on the Mod screen. Like I keep saying, the functionality of the download screen is weird, and differs from every other download screen I've ever seen, including other mod managers I've used. Even in NMM, the download screen was little more than a pop-up that displayed mods that were currently downloading.

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