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Yeah, Texas, good luck with that...


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So recently, Texas decided that critical thinking is bad for the following reasons:


We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.


But wait! That totally isn't what they meant!




Donebun, can't be undone.


The issue isn't parental authority. It's any authority. Parental authority is just where they start, and plus it makes it more palatable than saying "We want people to be stupid because it's easier to promote our agendas if no one thinks about it." But it's hard to get elected on the "Sheeple, Not People!" platform.

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:facepalm: What on Earth....Just...just...This is utterly ridiculous. Just...please, legislatures, just go away. This is utterly tiring. What are we going to do when these children are in charge? My teacher taught both evolution and divine creationism. Didn't offend anyone.


And more to the point.....what the hell are we going to teach now? Creationism instead? Won't that just offend the atheists? If not, are we going to teach nothing? That is the equivalent of throwing our children in the deep end of the pool and say, "Swim or drown."


Can we just...go ahead and start the revolution? I would really hate to see Idiocracy to become reality.

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Didn't you know education is about producing happy little workers, not thinkers?


If everyone were allowed to think, imagine what could happen. They might realise how badly they're getting shafted. They might start getting IDEAS...

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Won't that just offend the atheists?

Typically 'they' hold no beliefs that can be offended. Atheism is a lack of belief in the claims that a god(s) exist, it makes no positive assertion that no god(s) exist. The term is often misused and misuderstood, eg The same way that a Christian is an atheist as he probably doesn't believe in Ra the sun god. It's not the same as flat out claiming a particular god doesn't exist. Some atheists do go one further and claim no gods exist though, they are referred to as strong atheists or antitheists.
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I usually don't get involved with American politics but this is just crying for someone to mock. Are there any members of the centre-right in the US anymore or are they replaced by people who are more like cartoon characters? You wonder why many people outside of the US mock you, it's pretty much stupid things like this. Before anyone else jumps on the gun on me, let me remind you that yes there are other nations that at some point wanted to get rid of the smart people and yes I find them stupid as well, but nothing get the cream of the cake with the most powerful nation ending up wiping higher order thinking because they feel that it "underminds" parental authority. If you want your kids to listen to you, start treating them as your kids, not friends.
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And so it begins ....

The dystopian vision of Eric Arthur Blair taking forms in the slow developing of Doublethink, and then after the subliminal penetration, Newspeak will be developed.

.... And the Orange Clockwork keeps ticking down.

Edited by SilverDNA
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So, you can't teach evolution to anyone, is it might challenge their beliefs? Oh gee, should we not teach geography either, so we don't offend the flat-earthers?




What are you talking about? There are others who believe evolution is false, and they do not subscribe to the flat earth theory?

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So, you can't teach evolution to anyone, is it might challenge their beliefs? Oh gee, should we not teach geography either, so we don't offend the flat-earthers?




What are you talking about? There are others who believe evolution is false, and they do not subscribe to the flat earth theory?

Not believing in evolution is the same logic as believing in the flat earth theory. And I would bet this is going to get locked soon now.

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