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Miserith Hall a Player Home in The Reach. [wip]


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I'm using Vortex and forgot I had set up a couple of different profiles :D


So I started a new game with a profile with virtually nothing in it.... added my fort mod.... went to see the steward and he has my dialogue....

That means there is something in my usual load list that is incompatible with my mods added dialogue... quite possibly the same that is causing my CTD's

all I have to do now is find it !!!

So it looks like I'm going to have to start again from scratch and reinstall everything until I find the culprit... :(


I do know that FNIS causes a problem with sexy mannequins... which I use... it tries to add a non-clothing item to them... in it's self not a problem but skyrim tells you about it for every single mannequin... so in Miserith Hall that's over 50 times...

Last time I looked there was no solution for it... I'll look again though just in case...

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150+ reinstalled - so far so good :smile:




Have to ask it twice for some reason as yet unknown but hey the options there now... so that's a start :D



for a while there I thought I was not as good at this as I thought... when it was another mod all the time... I will hunt it down and destroy it.... :devil:

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Hmmm.... found what is causing my CTD's it's "The Ordinary Women SSE 3.0 CBBE" although that may just be down to load order but for now it can stay off.... may dig a bit deeper with it sometime.

Still don't know what is interfering with my dialogue though...

My quest dialogue is still fine though with now almost 200 mods activated... not added any that add to towns or settlements yet... I can live without those for now...


So back to working on my own mod and getting at least the first part finished off :smile:

The fort upgrading part will take quite sometime I think... a lot to work out there... although I do have all the groups set up from when I did the button version :wink:

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I decided to leave Sothstiem for awhile & go do some dungeon hopping if I could find any in Skyrim..

I thought hey I'll go check out Misereth Hall, still got it installed, but i'm on a earlier save game. I fast traveled to Old Hroldan. Saved the game outside it. Decided to go get your newest version.

Miserith Hall (WIP) 0.08.101-22656-0-08-101-1549868793.7z


I previously had version Miserith Hall (WIP) 0.08.10-22656-v0-08-10-1549093222.7z. I left the 7z on those to let you know i'm downloading manually, but i am using NMM to install from the 7z files. So in NMM, i had it deactivate, then uninstall and delete the 8.10 version. Then I had it install from the 8.101 file. Got it activated , and went ahead and ran loot, and had it sort. All seemed ready to go.


I reloaded my save outside Old Hroldan, and proceeded due west, straight across the mountain toward where I knew Miserith Hall was. Didn't get far and CTD. No Muss no fuss. Just blink and back on desktop. LOL Woops. So just to see, I reloaded, went east to the bridge, crossed the river, and at the crossroads again went west toward Miserith Hall. Not far, CTD. Also, reloaded, and Fast Traveled to Reachwater Rock. CTD. And lastly, I tried Fast Traveling to Karthspire, CTD.


Here's my mod list just so you can see what I'm running. The other version worked, so I'm going to reload it and see if it still works. And I'll edit this post to let you know.


0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
6 6 ApachiiHair.esm
7 7 GeneralStores.esm
8 8 GeneralDisplays.esm
9 9 GeneralDisplays - DG.esm
10 a GeneralDisplays - DB.esm
11 b SkyUI_SE.esp
12 c SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp
13 d RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp
14 e Cutting Room Floor.esp
254 FE 0 Qw_RelightingSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp
15 f Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
16 10 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
17 11 Carry Weight x2.esp
18 12 UpdatedHairColors.esp
19 13 CBBE.esp
20 14 Brown Guard Armor.esp
21 15 RedNightingaleSet.esp
22 16 Skyrim Legendary Weathers.esp
23 17 Bijin Warmaidens.esp
24 18 Serana.esp
25 19 Bijin NPCs.esp
26 1a Bijin Wives.esp
27 1b KozakowyBlackStaysOutfit.esp
28 1c NoCameraFilters.esp
29 1d TWFort.esp
30 1e FortRorik.esp
31 1f RavenNest_1.2.esp
32 20 Solitude Skyway SE.esp
33 21 Mhulchazn - Dwemer Home.esp
34 22 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
35 23 Whiterun Stable Tower SE.esp
36 24 My Home Is Your Home.esp
37 25 coloredmapmarkers.esp
38 26 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp
39 27 Severin2.esp
40 28 Homestead.esp
41 29 CollectorsBox.esp
42 2a Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
43 2b Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
44 2c RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp



Yep man, I was able to repeat my process to get 8.101 uninstalled, and get 8.10 installed from file, and loaded my save from Old Hroldan, and ran right across the mountain to Miserith. No CTDs..



Almost there.



Thar she blows!!



Karthspire real close.


Like you said before, would be nice to get another person or two testing this thing out also. :smile:

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Thanks... yes the more feedback I get the better I can make it for everyone :smile:



Hmm... okay just to clarify... 8.10 is running fine for you but 8.101 ctd's

That is strange the only difference between the two is that I removed the GS & GD master dependencies in the CK and then double checked it will xEdit

They are not needed either as nothing from them is currently being used...


Okay... I'll try reverting back to that version and see if I can reproduce it as well... 8.101 is only a very minor change and not really an update...

8.10 is the latest if running GS & GD... which I see you are... but it would be good foe me if I can isolate the cause.


I think it must just be something I missed when removing the masters as the version I'm currently working on doesn't have them included either and no problems so far.



When you loaded up your save for 8.101 test did you get any missing file message ?


fyi... I'm currently testing with over 200 mods active :D


As I'm now testing the first part of the quest to clear the fort I often also head straight across the mountain toward Miserith Hall to try sneak long range attacks on the forsworn outside...

I also use the "Master of disguise - SE" mod and have dressed as a forsworn and just walked in and wondered around without them bothering me... well until I attack one of them anyway ;)

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This morning I was play testing and went as a Forsworn to infiltrate them... going back out after clearing the fort guess who I ran into...

yeap you guested it and there I was still dressed as forsworn... ending having to flee back inside and quickly change my cloths :D

Also had a Stormcloak patrol turn up one time... the forsworn wiped them out... could be interesting if both turned up at the same time... who would fight who ???

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Yeah.... got the first clean up task added and working - Clear rubble from the passageway to the Display Hall :smile:




Hmmm... yes it works but... I realised that if I want to expand to include all the other upgrades then I have to find another way to it :sad:

I think I may have the other way... only time will tell... now trying the next bit... cleaning up the Quadrant.


Note I'm starting with the simplest ones first :D

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