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Recurring 'Unattached Script Instances' RE: 'ReServer'


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Hello ...

I am having an issue with recurring 'script instances' which are displayed when using the 'ReServer' utility ( v. 4.0.1 - b105 ).


After having some CTD, I decided to recheck the save and found 'unattached script instances' .... even though I knew I had not removed a mod. I used the 'ReServer' utility and found the 'unattached script instances' and then removed them with the utility and saved and started the game with the 'clean' save.


I then ran the game for just a few seconds and decided to check with ReServer only to find that I had again 15 unattached instances.


Help or hints ?

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The issue seems to consistently be with

"ActorBase' ReFid=FORMIDX:000000"

This is followed by an ID: XXXXXXXX which is different for all 36 instances. But I cannot tell what mod is generating this mess.

INSTANCE of ActorBase

Selecting "Remove Unattached Instances" will delete this.

Remove non-existent form instances" will delete this. However, some mods create these instances deliberately.

ID: 0000029e0b1243f0
RefID@: FORMIDX:000000
Unknown2bits: 0
UnknownShort: FFFF
UnknownByte: 00

There are zero threads attached to this script instance.

There are zero stackframes with member data referring to this script instance.

There are zero instances with member data referring to this script instance.

There are zero references with member data referring to this script instance.

There are zero arrays with member data referring to this script instance.

There are zero structs with member data referring to this script instance.

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Another similar 'set' of 'unattached instances' is generated when I go back into the game (after cleaning) without my doing anything. 'Something' is generating these. I am having CTD.

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That's really strange that those are being automatically generated whenever you load the save.

I'm wondering if it's just a script that ran away and has corrupted the save, or something was incorrectly triggered in the game (like using coc console command etc..) and got baked into the save.
How far back (in save games) does this happen?
Can you load older and older saves in resaver and see which one doesn't have any unattached instances, then load it up in the game, and save it as a new save and see if those 15 unattached instances appear in the clean save?

Just curious to see in which save game it started, because maybe it's something in the game that triggered wrong, or a script etc that's making your newer saves bad.
I'd be curious if you find a previous save game with no "unattached instances" and you save it, whether it would have the unattached instances added to it.
If the older 'clean' save, saves clean, then you'll know some script or whatever decided to runaway and cause all of those unattached instances.


You using something like "Endless Warfare" that randomly spawns Mobs?

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thank you. I have started a new game with the exact same mod load. so far there has been no recurrence. i am leaning toward a corrupted save. Only time will tell.

But yes, i posted here due to the fact that i had never seen anything like it. Unattached instances just popping up. At first i thought some new beta mods i was trying out were the cause but that was a dead end.

I do use 'War of the Commonwealth' but having used that for a long time I doubt that was the culprit.

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thank you. I have started a new game with the exact same mod load. so far there has been no recurrence. i am leaning toward a corrupted save. Only time will tell.

But yes, i posted here due to the fact that i had never seen anything like it. Unattached instances just popping up. At first i thought some new beta mods i was trying out were the cause but that was a dead end.

I do use 'War of the Commonwealth' but having used that for a long time I doubt that was the culprit.



I used to use WOTC too, but I had to stop because eventually I would end up with one settlement that would crash if I got near it, or scrapped something in it.

I would suggest not using it and using something like 'NPCs travel" and SKK Combat Stalkers.


Also, This was way before Sim Settlement was released.


My first game it was Sanctuary, the minute I tried to scrap something, CTD

Next game was Sunshine Co-Op, if I got too close to my settlement, I'd CTD

Next game was Tenpines BLuff, I try to scrap something CTD.


I suggest taking some time and reading the comment section on WOTC, I'm still waiting and hoping for the new, completely overhauled version


It's known that the High Spawns cause CTDS.

Anyway, read the comments on the WOTC page and make your decision there, I used to use it, and loved the mod, but had to use something else because of far too many CTDs


Also, if you're using VOrtex, how about setting up a profile WITHOUT WOTC, and playing each profile and see which game you start getting script instances in?

Be sure to have each profile manage savegames, that way you'll have two different sets of saves to compare.

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