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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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Not sure how you can say House doesn't care about small groups of people.

And I really don't think he would grow mad with power, he seemed to have grown well beyond that. ^^

And as the ending slide says, he has a quiet sense of pride in his choice of a right hand, if the Courier has good karma. ;)

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  • 5 weeks later...
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For me, House or NCR. Depends on the Character I'm Role-Playing as.

Like everyone has stated:
1) NCR has good intentions but are stretched thin and can't supply it's people and soldiers. The rulers are also corrupt and willing to exterminate groups of people just like the Legion. (Great Khans)

2) House seems bad, but talking to him shows he just wants to bring order. I though this was bad at first, but when viewing his endings, He left groups like the Boomers, Great Khans, and Freeside alone if you played right. He just wants the overall area, and that's it. And what's stopping him from becoming a dictator? The Courier. House wouldn't get anywhere without the Courier, and the Courier could easily kill House, so I think the Courier will keep him in line. House owes him/her that much.

That being said, the NCR questline and Battle of Hoover Dam is more engaging :P.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have done the NCR ending every time. I have played it so many times I can make it the "perfect NCR ending" with the BoS in cooperation(patrolling Long 15, although I hate the fact you get infamy for that). I like the NCR and they seem like a good foundation, just hastily run.


The way i see it, the NCR was stretching themselves thin for the Mojave, and the Courier aided that process so they could build back up again. The taxes were heavy, but I swear that something somewhere said the taxes were lifted and the NCR had complete domination and the only thing people hated was the annexation of the Strip.


If I could have NCR victory, like NCR wins, t kicks out Legion, has heavy taxes but eventually lowers them and has full and complete security of Mojave, while having Yes Man run the Strip and the NCR leaves the Strip completely, It would really be a perfect game.


I would eother want that Yes Man runs Strip, NCR leaves Strip alone(not even an embassy, not NCR presence in Vegas), and NCR controls area around it and all of Mojave providing secuirty and peace, OR all of the effects of Yes Man/Independent Vegas playthrough but NCR isnt kicked out of Mojave like it is.



But to answer the question, I always play for NCR. Legion is too evil with not enough pros and they are like hardcore LARPERs, House is too greedy and hypocritical and pious, and Yes Mans only sting is that NCR is kicked out and Oliver is killed(rather funnily though. That ragdoll. gotta admit the scream is pretty spot on), not that Oliver shouldnt have been replaced, just not executed.

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But to answer the question, I always play for NCR. Legion is too evil with not enough pros and they are like hardcore LARPERs, House is too greedy and hypocritical and pious, and Yes Mans only sting is that NCR is kicked out and Oliver is killed(rather funnily though. That ragdoll. gotta admit the scream is pretty spot on), not that Oliver shouldnt have been replaced, just not executed.


You don't HAVE to kill Oliver with Yesman... XD


House just sees everyone as his employees or customers.


Also, I believe after the Legion wins all the territory, I believe Caesar would demilitarise the Legion somewhat after the war.

The Legion is just in total warmode during New Vegas, if anything I think the Courier could convince Caesar to rely less on slavery after the war ^^

Edited by Danny159
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Legion. When I first started playing I would almost always go for an Independant Vegas under House. One play through with the NCR and I never joined them again, they are just as corrupt as the government before the fall and if they come into power it will just eventually end up in an apocalypse again. Yes Man? Ehhhh, he creeps me out, to helpful, infact so helpful I can easily see it back firing somewhere down the line.


At first it seemed that the Legion was nothing but a bunch of thugs and I didn't join them until around my tenth playthrough. But as I played through and started to learn more about them my opinion began to change. All you hear working for anyone else is how the Legion "are a bunch of savages" and "mindless bloodthirsty thugs". Well that's not how they come off once you start to get to know them. Yes they are quite harsh, VERY disiplined and extremely dedicated, but no one else in the Mohave is and so to everyone else that can seem like it's wrong.


Of course I heard Cass opinions on the Legion in one of my early playthroughs but she was the only one who (I encountered anyway) had good things to say about the Legion. When I finally got to Fortification Hill and met the trader from Legion territory that clinched it for me. Listening to him and taking what I learned from doing the Legion missions and what Cass had to say about them has made me realize that they are the best hope for reistablishing civilization in the wasteland.


Yes at first it may be a harsh exsitence with many laws all of which are punished quite effectivly. But it would be better then the wasteland is now. So now nearly every one of my characters joins the Legion and while I believe that there are some things they need to change how they function now is highly effective and all change comes with time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"That's what Governments are for...they get in a man's way" - Captain Malcom Reynolds, Firefly


I always end up Independent, While I like the similarities of the NCR to the U.S.A, it reminds me more of the current California state government and how much of a cluster it can be at times.


local governance is always going to be the most effective, in this setting of tribes and communities (read city/states) banding together under shared goals is the best solution for New Vegas.


They already have free markets, and people join tribes/ city-states/ and communities because they support the ideal of that group so you have the support of the people for their respective form of self-governance,


and despite the brutal nature of the wasteland you have rule of law, indiscriminate murder, stealing and other crimes may have only one punishment (death) but most places despite differences in their self-governance all abid by those common laws.


thus the Mojave already has the three basic requirements needed to live in a society (despite being painted as brutal its not true anarchy, even chaotic as the Capital wasteland was it wasn't pure anarchy)

-rule of law

-free markets/ free trade

-support of the people for the local governace


So with that in mind why do we need the NCR or the Legion or House? Everything is already in place for society to rebuild without all the interference of the old world.


As for survival and obtaining/ accruing/ conquering resources is nothing new, and every society and form of governance is like that from NCR to the community of 4 small families who built a scrap town on an overpass and called it Arefu

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  • 1 month later...


Excellent points on the Legion there, Pylonicus, even with leaving out the fact that most of Caesar's elite and inner circle are the worst of the worst raiders and tribal psychos he could find.


I always see the Courier as the foil and humanity, as well as the stated "chosen successor" in the ending, of House in his ending. Especially with the Think Tank giving him secret backup in the form of tech, though it always disappointed me that you don't start seeing some of the fruits of their non-evil experiments (and unintended good fruits of the evil research) spreading to the Mojave. Much the same holds true for me in the Independent ending, though if I had my way, Independent would mean your muscle backing the new council formed of the leaders of each faction still in the Mojave and myself as we work together to make something out of it. (which is my roleplay ending for that)


I went, in heart, with the Independent ending, but not following the slides or canon, because I don't think it makes all that much sense given the available resources you should have by that time, but I agree that the Courier, a foreigner with uncertain mental stability, might not be the best fit. I envisioned the Courier leading the Battle of the Dam, overthrowing House, NCR, Legion, and then handing the reins over to her friends and the people of the Mojave to rule, using House's resources. Sending the Bunker Securitrons to help bolster the defense of the various communities and protecting the most vital trade routes. The people you meet forming a council with this roster:


First Mojave Council

Arcade Gannon -- Presiding

Emily Ortel -- Vice President

Veronica Santangelo -- BoS Ambassador to Elder McNamara

Cass -- Crimson Cassidy's Caravan (obviously she takes over Crimson after McLafferty's arrested)

Pearl -- Boomers

Sunny Smiles -- Goodsprings

Doc Henry -- Jamestown

Marcus -- The Jamestown mutants

Manny Ramirez -- Novac

Sw-ank (ha, filter) -- The Families

Judah Krieger -- Westside

Julie Farkas -- Freeside

Meyers -- Primm

Crocker -- NCR Ambassador


The Courier, meanwhile, purses other adventures (DLC), eventually settling in Big Mountain, which allies with the Mojave and further bolsters their strength.


It bugged me that with all of the tech and power you could have available by the end, nothing in the slides suggested that it was every utilized to its full extent, and everybody just kind of gave up on any sort of unity.


For me, at first, i went to Mr house, i didn't see any wrong at first, I did most of the work fixed up the New vegas, the outline towns and kill off the Fiends Jackals Vipers Scorpions and Powder Gangers. (i play hard core so this was not easy.) I like NCR help them out a lot, do lot there side quest, and all.... but then some happen, MR house tell me to kill of the brother hood of steel... first thought was THERE was a brother hood steel, (I didn't find them in till now.) 2nd thought WHY? in the 3rd game they were good guys! so why?! So for moment I said yes just, so go find them fix what ever was going bad with them. (my point of view at this time I need find way to save them.) on my way there i find Veronica. (I don't fast travel, because i think cheating and friend told me about veronica, PS best/ funny-est follower EVER!) Then working with her i got in, from there on i did quest chain. I got HELIOS on line, (SOME how i missed this two! XD) AND they still, would not, work with Veronica.... at that point i try to find option to get them join MR house, but that didn't work...., so i came do to this... kill MR house or the brother hood of steel.... I went back to house told him i'm not kill them,( i was hope i could skip the quest or something...) in the end i had to kill house..... so from there, I went with new independent New Vegas.... it did not end well

some how missed a lot s*** had go back, make sure the Followers lot of supply's so made deal with Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs, ( I also gave them like 100 of each thing they looking for.) ok fix that. now i find NCR high up's were corruption so i killed Oliver. ( Wish i could do more, but that i could find any more. and i found out there are 2 more ass i need to kill, link me so find them and kill them.) after do all this game still end feel like miss somthing. over 100 hours later i still cant find epic good ending.... then read this form and get to this post by jonas66. love how made your own ending and also showed me some thing i missed. so when back fix them. And if some could give us a mode let us run are own city like this then i would be happy. oh you say fall out 4 will let do all of this.... can someone mod this in for the other games ( 3 and vages plz) PS. i only played fall out 3 and vages if some things are from 1 or 2 game in vages that I missed sry. Also how the hell do find the enclave, they don't sound so bad in this one.

Edited by skullreaper457
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To find the Enclave, you need to have Arcade Gannon as a companion and do all of his side quests (unlocked by exploring the wasteland with him).


The whole point of new Vegas is that there is no "epic good ending". The theme of the game is letting go of trying to make everything in the image of the Old World, and trying to make the most of what you can with the New, imperfect as it may be. Many people find this a better, more engaging story than simply being put as the hero, who saves everyone and never has to make any difficult decisions.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I would have liked to go for a Great Khan ending, i tried to make them powerful in all the previous games (FO1 and 2) but it was never really possible.

I didnt play through New Vegas before, but im close to finishing it, was thinking a lot about choosing House or NCR, and i just picked NCR cause it seems like the best choice for all the small factions i really cared about (bos, followers, khans) and also cause i heard you cant continue playing after main quest ends.

The legion was out of the question, cause im playing a woman. First i earned their trust to see how far i can go in terms of respect, but they were giving me none so i murdered them after a while, and the ncr was all happy bout it.


Independent vegas i didnt like, cause as much as i love chaos, it seemed boring and cliché.

Then theres House, some creepy bastard who gives me the chills, and his way of running vegas, being some cold shithole, reminding me of Vault City from FO2, perhaps my most favorite place in the fallout universe, and its ruler, Lichelle or something like that.
If i could continue playing and see the changes i would most definitely go for Mr. House to have a creepy half-abandoned Vegas, with weird noise-emitting rusting tin cans everywhere, still being the brightest place in the Mojave... i would have liked the idea of exploring, walking around and living in a place like that (i am also madly in love with the sight you get when you fast travel The Strip north gates, stop before the main entrance and turn back to see the abandoned apartments and barrel-o-fires)


...but yeah, the case is you just get ending slides....so i go with NCR to make sure all those small factions live on.

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