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How do you search among thousands of mods?


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SE isn't as bad as Skyrim of course, but over 10K files is a lot of mods to browse through even with filters.


Of course, having specific modding wants can help narrow things down, but I feel like only searching for what I want would mean missing out on a lot of fun mods that I didn't even know I want.


So, when you go browsing through mods, how do you filter it down to reasonable levels while minimizing how many great mods you exclude?


My basics are to filter down to category, and then put a min endorsement of ~90. I usually sort by number of endorsements.
I do have some tags already filtered out as well.


I've tried sorting by trending, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference compared to sheer number of endorsements.

The problem of course is that while those settings work well for, say, alchemy--reducing it to ~20 mods, it works less well for something armor. 400 is less than half of the total, but still more mods than I'd like to go through.

I could of course increase the minimum endorsements, but then I'm basically just recreating the most endorsed mods of all time just by category. And that just tends to lead to old and well-known mods, not necessarily the mods I want.


So any tips would be appreciated.

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I start out using the TOP FILES option

Since the TAGGING stuff on Nexus Mods is completely useless because the mod author and any person that downloads the mod can add a tag, plus the tags already set up are so nebulous, it makes the tagging system completely worthless

Honestly, the best way to do it, is to use the TOP FILES and just tediously plod through the "30 files per page" that hasn't been updated in years, so you can only see 30 files per page, while plodding through thousands of mods.

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Also, watching mod reviews is a good way to find hidden gems, as well as checking out the recommendations of the author of the mods you´re downloading. They often have links to other mods they´ve created, compatible mods and personal favourites.

Youtube is a friend in this aspect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd personally do it by Category.. I looked through almost 1000 resources tonight in the "Models And Textures" cat.
If you filter by 90 endorsements you're gonna miss alot. Alot of mods have less than that. What if they're new? They won't have 90 endorsements.. And If i am interested in something i look at the pics and also read the comments. So, yea, it took a few hours. My brain was kinda starting to schitz a little. :wacko:

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Most endorsed (All time) is a good place to start. The absolute necessities (USSEP, SkyUI, SMIM, Engine Fixes...) can all be found within the first 10 pages. Near all of the community mainstays, within the first 20.

Then keep an eye on Most endorsed (Trending) so see what's hot from week to week.

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