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Sort by Install Order not working


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If I want to sort mods by install order, it doesn't work. Instead it sorts mostly by alphabetical order. There are a few mods that aren't sorted alphabetically, but the rest are.

This is quite annoying because you need to know what you installed most recently and in what order if you want to fix problems with the game. Does anyone else face this ?

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If I want to sort mods by install order, it doesn't work. Instead it sorts mostly by alphabetical order. There are a few mods that aren't sorted alphabetically, but the rest are.


This is quite annoying because you need to know what you installed most recently and in what order if you want to fix problems with the game. Does anyone else face this ?


Yes, it does work, but you're looking in the wrong place and clicking on the wrong thing. You're confusing install order (mods) with load order (plugins). Vortex "sorting" deals with plugin load order only, not with mod install order. In Vortex, the latter is dealt with by resolving file conflict issues with "load before/load after" rules. The "sorting" you're looking for arises from a rule set, not from clicking on the install order header.

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