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Star Wars: The Old Republic Is Going Free-To-Play This Fall


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ill deff go back when it hits free to play. ive been contemplating going back to it, but knowing its going F2P, ill deff be playing it this fall.
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That would make no difference, from memory you need to have a certain warzone rank to equip War Hero.


With that in mind, I hope they do add an item mall selling war hero, just to see the pay-to-win guys faces when they blow real money to win... ...and don't win(for once) Who knows, it might make them actually do some hard work for once, Lazies!

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I'll try it when it goes f2p. Otherwise, I'm not interested. They must still plan on keeping premium content, though, or they'd never make it f2p. It'd be both a noble, and severely stupid move on their part without lots of premium content.
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I'll try this when it's f2p. I may pay for premium content, if it's good and actually has players in it. From the Youtube videos it looks a lot like every other mmo on the planet, but it's Star Wars and you can't really beat free to play. Then again, if Dark Souls pans out well I probably wouldn't want to play an mmo anyway. Why can't anyone make a good new Star Wars game? Battlefront 3 is cancelled, I beat The Force Unleashed in 8 hours and the TFU2 in 6 hours, KOTOR won't run without freezing for me on Windows 7, and TOR is a WoW clone. What's left?


(I'm not blaming the devs for KOTOR freezing on Windows 7, btw. I'm just saying that I obviously can't play it.)

Edited by Rennn
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