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[Suggestion] Make a .txt file with mods you have installed


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Had this idea when I formatted my Windows yesterday. Had to write all the 100+ mods I had, one by one, in a .txt file... so stressful

Is it possible to implement in Vortex an option that does exactly that?

Creates a .txt file or something with all the mods you have installed...

Thanks in advance, sorry if it's the wrong category to make the post.

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Had this idea when I formatted my Windows yesterday. Had to write all the 100+ mods I had, one by one, in a .txt file... so stressful

Is it possible to implement in Vortex an option that does exactly that?

Creates a .txt file or something with all the mods you have installed...

Thanks in advance, sorry if it's the wrong category to make the post.



C:\users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\GAME DIRECTORY\plugins.txt

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I, to, would like an easy means to do what the OP asked. Ideally, it should spit the contents of the Vortex "MODS" display to a text file using the same filters and sort order selected for the display. The fields would be separated by tabs to allow easy import to a spreadsheet.


This would allow me to answer questions like "How is profile X different from profile Y" by feeding the text output of each into WinMerge.


As to the following suggestion:


I knocked this up a minute ago, you can do this, or a variation of it in Powershell;

cd <your mods directory>
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Fullname | Out-File <your mods directory>\mymodfile.txt


This produces a list of every file under <your mods directory> including all the contents of the folders and subfolders.


From ...\Vortex\skyrim\mods it lists every from every mod installed (according to Vortex), including those not enabled.


From ...\Skyrim\data it lists every file installed in Skyrim.


Neither is what the OP is asking for, which is, most likely, the "MODS" display of Vortex converted to text, Ideally filtered by, for example, "Status: Enabled".


The best you can do with Powershell is get a list of all possibly installed mods (or rather the archive name, which is usually close) with:



get-childitem | select-object -expandproperty name


Then you would have to edit the file and remove lines corresponding to mods which are not "Status: Enabled" in the left column of the mods page. This at least saves a lot of typing, but is still laborious.

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For everyone like me that haven't the foggiest idea how to use Powershell, you can get the lists by opening-up a command-window, cd to the \mods\-directory and using a trivial


dir /b > list_of_directories.txt




dir /b /s > list_of_all_files_and_directories.txt


While these commands can give a list of the currently installed mods, often the more relevant is the active mods for a current profile, preferably sortable by "install" order and more advanced with indication that mod A "loads after B", while mod C "depends on mod D".

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Windows Key + X = opens a menu with the Powershell option for quick access


Starting a program != knowing how to use the program.


Now of course I can copy & paste the commands posted above to get an output, actually the second example isn't usable as it stand since it don't create any file-output, but since I've used DOS back in the days I do remember how to use dir.


For someone that's never used dir I would still say it's much easier to open-up a cmd-window, for so typing-in


cd \path\to\directory\

dir /b > modfiles.txt


than it is to open-up a powershell, for so typing-in


cd \path\to\directory\

gci | select-object -expandproperty name | out-file modfiles.txt

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Windows Key + X = opens a menu with the Powershell option for quick access


Starting a program != knowing how to use the program.


Now of course I can copy & paste the commands posted above to get an output, actually the second example isn't usable as it stand since it don't create any file-output, but since I've used DOS back in the days I do remember how to use dir.


For someone that's never used dir I would still say it's much easier to open-up a cmd-window, for so typing-in


cd \path\to\directory\

dir /b > modfiles.txt


than it is to open-up a powershell, for so typing-in


cd \path\to\directory\

gci | select-object -expandproperty name | out-file modfiles.txt




Just open the directory, in explorer, EX "D:\Games\Steam\Steamapps\common\Skyrim Sepcial Edition\Data" then type CMD in the address bar, a CMD window opens in the directory without having to CD anywhere

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