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I want to become a real developer


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I recently decided that just modding for the Elder Scrolls games leaves me with a very limited list of skills, namely that they're confined to the BGS SDK. I want to start learning how to seriously develop my own games. I found a few guides on coding (Including a useful textbook on Java), but few guides mention anywhere as to how to start out. I have a fairly decent idea for a game to make, but I don't know where to start making it. Does anyone have an idea?
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Actually, I think it would be best to start with something like XNA game studio and then move on to Unity or UDK. That's just an advice I got from someone, because I want to become a dev as well.

XNA is focused on C# programming while Unity and UDK are mostly visual. You get better experience if you start with XNA I guess, you also get to know C#, which is a huge plus.


What I'm doing right now, is that I'm learning C# with the help of these tutorials:



and I plan to go wild in XNA game studio with some kind of 2D RPG thing.

Microsoft's XNA tutorials should help: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb203893.aspx


Hope I helped a bit :)

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Thanks for the responses, everyone! I'll try out both XNA and the Unreal engine to see what they feel like.


I did some reading on C# and it looks promising as a sort of 'My first coding' thing.

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Aye, visual basic is recommended if you don't have any idea about programming.

If not, you should definitely do a bit of visual basic. You don't have to master it, just to grasp the basics of programming and how it all works. To find your way around the code more easy.

If you do know coding already, you might as well go with C#. I'm not particularly amazing at any of the programming languages I know (HTML, and the beginner basics of Java and AS2) and it's pretty easy for me to grasp C#.

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I recently decided that just modding for the Elder Scrolls games leaves me with a very limited list of skills, namely that they're confined to the BGS SDK. I want to start learning how to seriously develop my own games. I found a few guides on coding (Including a useful textbook on Java), but few guides mention anywhere as to how to start out. I have a fairly decent idea for a game to make, but I don't know where to start making it. Does anyone have an idea?


I used the UDK once for about a week, lol. It's fairly user-friendly, and it looks nice. It's still pretty complicated though. Pretty much everything is going to be complicated and somewhat overwhelming. Prepare yourself for that and take it one small step at a time.

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