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Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"


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So i am not interested in altering the texture right now. I just want to recolor all the clothes to fit class more. Like browns and greens and grays were more for poorer class, and reds and golds and purples were more for the upper class. Eventually i want to alter the clothing texture to make the upper class clothing fabric look more expensive than the lower class.


But right now i just want to do a few different colors, more variety for all the clothes.

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Sounds like you just need to adjust the detail map (which you've done). And apply it along with the other maps as indicated by NifSkope (untouched but loose for the CK to recognize) to the texture set(s) you wish to use for the items.

Once you have the unaltered original maps assigned you can remove those from your loose files as the game will then pull them from the BSA (provided you kept the same directory structure).

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Ok so i have never modded before in my life. The most i have done is fiddle around with putting crosstitch patterns in the paint program. So i got the torsof_d.dds into gimp and recoloured it. Now do i have to convert the file back to a dds file because when i saved it, it of course can be opened in gimp, and its named <my name for it>_d and thats it. Where do i go from here and i am sure you have already told me this but i am a simpleton when it comes to modding. i have no idea what the terminology means.


I feel like i should apologize because i feel like i am asking a lot. But thanks for all the info you have given so far. You have been very thorough.

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If you haven't installed it, then you need to add the DDS plugin for Gimp



After you've made your color change, then you export as a DDS file. With Gimp simply saving will save it as Gimp's xcf file type. You have to choose export, decide where you want to save it, give it a name and extension for the type that you want. Then you are confronted with the specific options for that type of file extension.


Depending upon the particular texture map you can use DXT1, DXT3 or DXT5 compression. You'll need to test in game to see which will work for you. Most people just bite the bullet and go with DXT5 even tho that makes for a larger file size because then they are "safe" since DXT5 is the necessary compression for the most complicated types of texture maps.


The following may be some good reads for you



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So this is way off topic but i downloaded Skse for the game and when i try to launch it is says to update skyrim to the latest version. Problem is my game isn't through steam and i don't know how to update it. Any help because i want to try out this multiple followers mod but its not working out right now.

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I've been trying to work through Sjogga's Dragon Claw Holder tut on this thread, but I've run across a problem. I can't get any of the static claws to render in the render window, they just come up as the big red exclamation mark. I couldn't get the models to copy and paste, it just doesn't do anything, nothing copies, nothing pastes, so I made copies of the meshes and tried making statics from those (I'm fairly used to adding new item meshes and changing from static to container, etc). They seemed to work in the mesh edit window, and as far as I could work out all the texture paths were the same as for the misc item, but they won't show up when dragged into the render window.


If anyone has any idea what might be causing this and/or how to fix it, I'd appreciate the help.




Edit: I played around a bit more and found that when I dragged the claw static into the render window, and it showed up as the red exclamation mark, when I checked the mesh edit window again it was now an exclamation mark in the preview window and in the alternate texture bow it was showing a "marker error". I'm fairly inexperienced with textures, I've only just learnt about making texture sets and the like, so I have no idea what I would need to do to fix this.

Edited by vaknathi
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I couldn't get the models to copy and paste, it just doesn't do anything, nothing copies, nothing pastes


I suspect you didn't do these steps properly:


- Double-click the MS13GoldenClaw. At the bottom of the window you'll find a grayed-out area with the topic Model. Mark everything inside the box and hit Ctrl+C. Press Cancel.


- In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. Right click and select "New".


- In the ID field, type something like "GoldenClawStatic". Press the "Edit"-button next to the Model-field. A new window pops up. Press Edit. You will be prompted to select a model from you computer. Press Ctrl+V and hit OK. The Golden Claw should now be visible in the pop-up window. Hit OK. Hit OK.



Make sure you are in the Data folder when you are selecting a model to use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi people

I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I have.

I’m trying to turn Vigilance and Meeko into armored husky and bare husky respectively but, I don’t get the wait here follow me and it’s time to leave commands, I even tried other mods that make this changes but it’s the same the dialogue doesn’t appear, also… if I turn Vigilance into the armored husky will it have armor rating or there is something else I need to do? Or this can’t be done? o__o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get that "youtoob" is all fun and whatnot...


If you don't have hearing issues, or bandwidth issues...


Or issues. . . er. . . with people. . . er. . . who haven't. . . er . . . got the . . . wit . . to . . record the . . er. . . voice. . . er afterwards. . . when they are. . .er. . .not focusing. . .on the. . .er. . .visual. . .er. . stuff. . .




but then anyone who was capable of that level of joined-up-thinking would probably posses the intelligence to WRITE what the wanted to describe in a simple text file. YouTube 'tutorials' are a waste of time. you have to sit through the whole damed thing to discover the person that made it was an incoherant 11 year old from Palo Alto with a different opperating system and delusions of adiquacy. If I can find a text file tutorial then I know the author is at minimum literate. where as any numbty with a webcam can produce. . .er. . .a video. . .er. . tutorial.


Sorry, touched a pet hate here!

Edited by frank lee
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