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URL tags not working in Default REPLY window


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When I add the [ URL] tags to a url, the link doesn't show up (Space added to show the tag)
The only way to get the URL tags to work is to go into the advanced editor


"You can download that mod here [ url=website url here] clickable text for the url here [ /url] just click on the link."
When you paste the actual URL it always shows up in Purple instead of Blue as if it's already been clicked on, then the entire thing within the tags will disappear, when you click post and this is what ends up showing

"You can download that mod here just click on the link."

This used to work before, now it seems that it doesn't

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clickable text for the url here


Put the URL address in quotation marks.



What instead of using the and tags just use " and ", or still use the tags but like this "[ url= ] [/url]" ?


Leave everything as is but add quotation marks around the website URL. My apologies if my post was unclear.

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Trying " " around the entire thing

1. "https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'> Clickable Text for the url here"

Trying " " around just the URL inside the URL tags

2. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'>Clickable text for the url here


Just putting " " around the url only

3. "https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/"



Well, NONE of those options worked

Somebody needs to give me an actuall working example, like everything done correctly with a screenshot, because I have everything EXACTLY like this (And I imagine the screenshot quoted url doesn't show the QUOTE Marks)


[url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/]clickable text for the url here[/url]

And it has stopped working for me in the default REPLY form.

I tried it THREE different ways above and you see my results, I made sure to number them

This used to work before, simply by typing in everything like the quoted text, now it has stopped working that partifcular way

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https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'> Clickable text for the url




^That should show just like yours.

No link gets posted, I did it EXACTLY like the screenshot

EVERYTHING except the text gets stripped out.
It didn't used to do this

https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'> Clickable text for the url


https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'>Clickable text for the url


https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'>Clickable text for the url


This just isn't working WTF?

IOf I click on EDIT for this post, it shows me the url and the tags, but when I POST it, it gets stripped and redcued to just the text.
Click on EDIT again, the url and tags are there.

Above the line was with CHROME, trying now with Firefox

1. with quotes as per screenshot https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'>clickable text for the url here


2. without quotes like I used to do clickable text for the url here

OK, the old way I used to do it works, but only in Firefox.
Also, when I paste the URL in example 2. it showed up as plain white text, when I was pasting it with Chrome it always showed up as a link ALREADY, same with example 1. with Firefox.
The url shows up as a clicked on url in example one, purple underlined text.

Using CHROME again, cleaned all my user data in the browser


https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'>text blah de blah


https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/'>text for url here

Chrome keeps pasting the url as an already visited URL, rather than as plain text like firefox does.

text blah blah, but this time I pasted the link and clicked UNLINK to turn the text back into plain text

OK, it looks like Google is storing already visited links as clickable links, so when I paste them, they're pasting as clickable links within the [ url] tags, which cancels out the entire thing.
I have to paste the link, highlight it, then click on UNLINK in order to get it to work.

It used to work fine before.

Anyway, I found a workaround, a STUPID workaround, but at least I now know how to fix it every time instead of randomly.

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HTR, I have again learned something new from you about creating URL short links. I too use Firefox and only today learned from you that you no longer need to enclose the web address in quotation marks if using Firefox. Here is the shortened link without quotation marks.


clickable text for the url here




Several weeks ago, you gave me instructions on how to create short links. But when I first tried creating short links using Firefox in accord with your instructions, I couldn't get it to work. That's when I started using quotation marks, figuring that was a Firefox requirement. Since that time, I have updated Firefox, and now it works in exactly the way you originally instructed me, that is, no quotation marks needed.


Thank you once again.

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HTR, I have again learned something new from you about creating URL short links. I too use Firefox and only today learned from you that you no longer need to enclose the web address in quotation marks if using Firefox. Here is the shortened link without quotation marks.


clickable text for the url here


attachicon.gif URL Short Name 01.PNG


Several weeks ago, you gave me instructions on how to create short links. But when I first tried creating short links using Firefox in accord with your instructions, I couldn't get it to work. That's when I started using quotation marks, figuring that was a Firefox requirement. Since that time, I have updated Firefox, and now it works in exactly the way you originally instructed me, that is, no quotation marks needed.


Thank you once again.





Well, I've added to my previous post, and for whatever reason, Chrome is insisting on posting the copied url as a clickable url, so when I put a clickable url inside the [ url] tags, I get nothing but the text I enter to be clickable.

In order to get the link to work properly, I have to paste the url, highlight it, then UNLINK it.


This is a recent change, because just about a month ago, I was just pasting urls the way I did with Firefox, but with Chrome and everything was working.


At least I've got a workaround that is consistent.


Thanks for being as persistent with your help as I was while trying to figure this out. :)

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