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I used to run twice a day. 1 and 1/2 miles in the morning and afternoon.


I have so much stuff inside the room I was preparing to use to upgrade this old house and sell it the property I have no room. For the indoor exercise equipment I have that is now 20 years older. Good thing for me I spent 49 years doing the workouts for training for... ahem... the future. If all else fails from experience getting disabled a few times. Starter exercises for back and neck recuperation.. I recommend Yoga.


I took a course from a real Indian from India in 1973. Best way to build up the body again and even maintain it if you're so inclined to continue exercises later that are hard on the body like Jumping Jacks.


Even John Denver converted his Skiing trainer mill. It rolls up hill so you can constantly ski down it.


He started using for what he proved was a fantastic exercise. We all did it when we were very young. It was crawling flat across the floor. He set up his ski machine so he could crawl on it for awhile. It gave him so much energy after the first time he was up all night.


Mom saw him at a concert. While the band was on break he just kept right on singing giving the crowd more than their money's worth.

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I was working in a record store when John Denver was at his peak. He was unbelievably popular. When he came out with Sunshine On My Shoulder a lot of people found that to be very uplifting.


My days as a student doing my OJT on the campus closed circuit radio station just reminded me how some singers can send a tingler causing us to get goosebumps from over the air waves. He was one of those guys I know that had that talent. That song was one of the ones he made that sent that surge of excitement too.

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Today I have read on internet that too much of thinking is making brain tired and kills creativity. They said that I should avoid all things which are making the overflow of thoughts, and get an activity which leads from them. you are right Pagafyr! ("Has the Internet prepared children not to be creative? ") I'm done with internet discussions.


On the other hand I finally read atleast the headlines of your orinigal links and it really is interesting. But my brain feels so tired now, I cannot continue. Bye

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Learning how to use tools and then using them correctly is the reward. Takes journal type book from shirt pocket. I have the books, I have the first set of tools I learned to work with, and I have made it clear I can still learn to use the new tools. Because I already learned the basics, all I really have to learn about is; how the new tools get the same job done.


I may be an old hand, but the way things work are the same book with a different set of new tools learning us how to use them the new way. I used a pencil, pen, ink, and little oil painting brushes when I was first introduced to the way the books say. Now we have several software packs that are like a new tool, same principals, different tools.

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Learning how to use tools and then using them correctly is the reward.


No the product you create is the reward ... hence making a mod for upload , is better than learning to use the Geck.

And it is a fine line between following your vision , and then learning how / what the geck can do to create your vision. Cuz the learning always taints your vision. Which is not necessarily bad,

but not necessarily good.


There is something golden in that first create ... like the Frost poem quoted in "The Outsiders" movie. Which is the first time I ever heard it. Luv that movie though.


Me computy is breathing though ... Just gota get all the updating out the way , then can get the tool box working like was ... hopefully ;)

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It's the reward because we can always make another trophy with the skills.


And there is no one on this website as a member or the owner of it in partnership with me concerning the item I built with the G.E.C.K tool.


I have not made any contract, given anyone else permission, not one person, or signed any contracts with anyone to continue building to work on my mod, "Seder Hotel Mystery".


All the parts of it are the property of Bethesda Softworks in parts. The owners of that tool G.E.C.K. and the images with are owned by Bethesda Softworks and their partners own the pictures and the tool to make moving video games pictures is theirs.


If they like my idea collective combined. They have the parts and the partners to do with their G.E.C.K. and can make their own idea like they did with the DLC about the Motel.


I merely present ideas for other people who have creative skills. Then some of them with the skills to create a bigger mod; then just the root cellar with a river underneath it, like the Seder Hotel Mystery mod, are stimulated mentally. If they combine the mod on their machines they are within their rites to do so.


They only have to add a link to my mod at Nexusmods so it gets people to visit Nexusmods and give their attentions to it at Nexusmods.


Oh! If the Gamers God bids it so, and my name gets added to someone's list thanking everyone who gave them ideas and assistance, giving me some credit for stimulating their imagination to create another mod... Wowee!

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Alrighty then ... no need to get ticky tacky literal on the game/geck ... and dashing the hopes of future modders :ohmy: since it is a virtual world an all :teehee: And that is all joke incase you couldn't tell .


But seriously , yes I picked the wrong example for tool / product relationship ... The reward is totally about what you learned in that case.

I was thinking more along the lines of having bought so many tools to do the eclectic job of remodelling houses .

But still in that case ... the knowledge & experience I have gained over nearly 40 years of working on houses/buildings is more valuable than the dough I've spent on tools.


So I stand corrected , on all counts ... what the heck was I thinking :ninja:

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