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Stormcloak - Imperial Breakdown


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For those of you who don't know, I work as a business analyst/statistician when I'm not trotting through Skyrim. I'd seen a lot of threads about the whole Stormcloak thing (mostly debates) and it got me thinking - what are the commonalities between people who side with one group or the other? Philosophically and politically it's been done to death, but I haven't seen anyone do the demographics of the debate. And since I do this for a living, I thought it'd be fun to see the makeup of Imperial and Stormcloak backers!


Below is a quick survey I whipped together. Answer as many or as few as you like, but obviously the more you answer the stronger the data will be. I'll give this a few weeks to run before I start stat crunching, so let's get to it!


Allegiance: Imperial or Stormcloak

Skyrim Race:

IRL Gender:

IRL Age:


Favorite subject in school/uni major:

IRL Political affiliation: Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, or Apathetic*

Play/Combat style: Warrior, Rogue, or Mage

Blades or Paarthurnax:

Guilds joined:

Opinion on the Daedra:

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas?


*NOTE - I debated with myself about including this field but for the sake of information I decided to add it. Please keep it to just one of the four options I listed, both for simplicity's sake and to prevent this from forking into a political discussion. I know many people have a more complex political affiliation than just one of these four, but I'm asking you piock whichever is closest to your beliefs.

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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: Khajiit

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Location: Oregon

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Computer Science

IRL Political affiliation: Liberal

Play/Combat style: Rogue

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthunax

Guilds joined: Companions Guild, Mages Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Nightingales.

Opinion on the Daedra: None.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Either House or Wild Card (with NCR/BoS). Always anti-ceasar.

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Allegiance: Imperial


Skyrim Race: Breton


IRL Gender: Male


IRL Age: 17


Location: NY


Favorite subject in school/uni major: Language Arts


IRL Political affiliation: N/A, but more apathetic


Play/Combat style: Warrior, Rogue, or Mage


Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthunax


Guilds joined: Companions, College of Winterhold, Thieves, Dark Brotherhood, Blades, Bard's College, Nightingales [Dawnguard unavailable, most likely to be Vampire]


Opinion on the Daedra: Different Strokes for Different Folks


Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas?: N/A

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Allegiance: Stormcloak

Skyrim Race: Breton

IRL Gender: M

IRL Age: 27

Location: SF, CA.

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Science.

IRL Political affiliation: Independent.

Play/Combat style: Mage

Blades or Paarthurnax: P

Guilds joined: All.

Opinion on the Daedra: Respect.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Didn't play.

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Honestly, it largely depends on which character I'm playing. I can answer a few of those questions accurately, for the rest the answer is "it depends". You might consider having a third category for players who hit the spectrum. That might be even more revealing.



Allegiance: Imperial or Stormcloak: depends

Skyrim Race: depends

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 43

Location: Canandaigua, NY, USA

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Geometry

IRL Political affiliation: Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, or Apathetic: Conservative

Play/Combat style: Warrior, Rogue, or Mage: depends

Blades or Paarthurnax: depends

Guilds joined: depends

Opinion on the Daedra: depends

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas?: N/A

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Allegiance: Stormcloak ,

Skyrim Race: Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 16

Location: India

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Computer Science

IRL Political affiliation: No idea :P

Play/Combat style: Assassin

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax

Guilds joined: Companion, College of winterhold, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, bard's college , dawnguard

Opinion on the Daedra: Power, Give me more power!! at lower level please :3

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? NCR and Independent Vegas

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Allegiance: Stormcloak

Skyrim Race: Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 13

Location: Chicago

Favorite subject in school/uni major: SCIENCE!!!

IRL Political affiliation: Conservative (Romney 2012!)

Play/Combat style: Warrior/ Thief

Blades or Paarthurnax: Neutral

Guilds joined: Companions, Thieves guild, College of W, Bard's college

Opinion on the Daedra: Daedra are evil, but they're all AWESOME (except Azura. Screw Azura >:( )!

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Can't relate. Don't have.

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Allegiance: Imperial

Race: Nord

RL Gender: Male

RL age: 24

Location: USA

Uni major: Computers

Politics: Moderate

Combat: Master of everything. If I can level it, it levels (Warrior)

B or P: Parthy

Guilds: Mages (for the spell buying)

Deadra: Gotta collect em all!

Fallout Nv: I never played.

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Allegiance: Neutral

Skyrim Race: Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 13

Location: Brazil

Favorite subject in school: Science

IRL Political affiliation: I have no idea :tongue:

Play/Combat style: Hybrid

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax

Guilds joined: Companions, College of Winterhold, Volkihar Vampire Clan, Greybeards

Opinion on the Daedra: Just like the Divines, but they are too selfish

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? I've never played

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