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I am confused as to how so many people can download all this FREE content from Nexus and never give an endorsement to the mod's Author. This costs absolutely nothing. Everytime you open NMM just go down the list and endorse one or two. We need to do something positive instead of just belittle every modder's effort here. For the sake of us all, please give a little respect and curtesy back to the writers of what keep us all coming back.


If you dislike these mods so much you cant make 4 mouse clicks, then you should be playing vanilla, or go get an X-BOX. Let people know you like what they are doing. It takes such little effort to get so much enjoyment.

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yeah, it's sad seeing 100,000's of downloads of a popular mod with only a couple 100 or less endorsements

registered and mostly complaints of issues/trolls with few thanks in a modder's comment section.

Maybe the 'Endorse Me' button should be made more prominent in the nexusmods webpage design lol.

I guess many internet people do not appreciate the privilege of having access to free content or

other people's work.

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I totally understand people not endorsing.


A lot of those downloads are probably people who just drop in, grab a few mods (without using NMM) and rarely come back. I know the Endorse button is pretty big and all, but there's a lot of info and buttons on most mod pages, and the brain has a way of filtering out the bits that aren't what it's looking for at the time - a lot of these very casual Nexusers may not even know the facility exists.


It's good to use endorsements, thanks, kudos, reps etc on any forum/site you go to, and I try to. But, I know there's some places I visit where I don't take the time to find out what particular system they use, or take the time to use it. Everyone's a lurker somewhere.

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I really feel that we should be able to endorse from NMM directly. It already records our IP addresses (to the best of my understanding) and uses them to track what mods we've downloaded; the next logical step is to integrate it directly into our Nexus accounts.


As Tetradite says, the "one stop shopping" experience of the Nexus doesn't really encourage the casual player to return regularly enough to even think about endorsements. I know that I'm guilty of downloading more than a few mods I've enjoyed without endorsing, mostly because I couldn't be bothered to look them up again. Just giving us a small, "endorse this file" button in NMM would make it much, much simpler to give other mod authors the recognition they deserve.

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Is the "File rating reminder every XX days" function (in the Skyrim Nexus User Area>Site Preferences) broken? I have it set to 14 days and I used to get a pop-up window reminding me to endorse mods every two weeks, but now it doesn't seem to work any more (and hasn't for quite a while, come to think of it). I have tried setting it to 1 day, but that didn't help.


That function is basically all that's needed to make people choose if they want to endorse a mod or not. It removes the common (and very human!) laziness and/or forgetfulness from the equation, making not endorsing a mod a conscious choice, just as endorsing is. Since mods could be endorsed directly from the pop-up window with a simple click, it couldn't have been simpler and faster to use. Maybe the option of turning it off should be removed, though, so that everyone will get the reminder every 30 days at least.

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The reason is in my case at least the update.


You can't vote for the first hour of a download for obvious reason so I usually don't go back to the page until NMM instructs me to update the mod. This is when I put in an endorsement.


Unfortunately a lot of mods might be fine first time or might be at the stage that no more updates are required by the time I find out about it so I never have to go back there.

Edited by worldofscotty
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Maybe the option of turning it off should be removed, though, so that everyone will get the reminder every 30 days at least.


Please, no. This would irritate the living hell out of me.


I already have enough Windows based things popping reminders every 30 days or so at me. If I wanted nagging to do things I'd get married :biggrin:


I don't see what the big deal is personally. If someone uses a mod and doesn't endorse it, it's hardly the end of the world, and as a modder I actually LIKE the fact that I know every endorsement I get was someone who went out of their way to do so.


But that's just me.

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The reason is in my case at least the update.


You can't vote for the first hour of a download for obvious reason so I usually don't go back to the page until NMM instructs me to update the mod. This is when I put in an endorsement.


Unfortunately a lot of mods might be fine first time or might be at the stage that no more updates are required by the time I find out about it so I never have to go back there.


Pretty much this, if it wasn't for the experience I have in modding (rather small mind you, but enough to know what goes into it.) it'd simply be to much of a hassle to go back an hour later save for updating, to endorse. Even in my case I tend to get all the mods I want, never endorse until about a month later when I finally feel like I've managed to get a stable load order, merger, ect; and go down the list (regardless of updates or not) and click the little version button on NMM to open up every page in that list and endorse them all at once; if I'm using them, then obviously they deserve an endorsement!


But that particular method isn't exactly common, not many people return to the page an hour later, it's a hassle, and instead wait for an update; sometimes that never comes or at least not until after they've moved off of skyrim for a few months sort of deal, at which point many generally have to redownload every mod anyway if anywhere near as short-sighted as I can be, and then forget to endorse again thinking they have to wait an hour! :P


It really should just go back to the endorse-at-will attitude once you've started downloading it, if someone DOESN'T like a mod, they're far more likely to come back and un-endorse a mod, than come back and endorse it unless it's specially awe-inspiring in such a way you feel a urge that you must come and comment/endorse 'right this second' either due to a minor issue / recommendation or outright praise....


TL:DR / Most important part of this post... NMM either needs to go back to endorse-after-downloads @ will, or even better, simply put an endorse button on NMM itself, right next to the version # .. small little button that has an up arrow for endorsed, down arrow for not, end of story! No clock popups to remind you or anything else that'll interfere and cause a disturbance, just a simple button; not just as a time-saver to aid lazyness; but to lower bandwidth cost being used on people like me that go back and en-mass endorse every mod that deserves it.. actually come to think of it, to lower bandwidth cost on anyone who endorses, period; since we.. do have to wait an hour.. and I doubt anyone just leaves the site open.. so yeah! NMM + Endorse button, rite now please! :D

Edited by Satorinu
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