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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

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I can't really think of too much else at the moment - but I think the "final battle" should take place at night, with little lighting except flares and mortar/cannon fire. I don't know if there are bugle sounds available - but having them sound off, mixed with the screams of charging legion troops and the moans of those dying, would really unnerve people. I also don't know if it were to be possible, but if the game world would be almost completely dark (no/dim star and moon-light) that would also set the stage for a truly horrific battle.

There are actually several variations of the "Final Battle", some of them very distinct from the others. I've been experimenting with whistles (like the Chinese Army in the Korean War), but so far it's sounded like s*** in-game. I'll keep working on it, though.



After the battle is over (and assuming the NCR won), there should be a memorial similar to the one in Boulder City (maybe a statue or two as well).

There will be a post-battle service, with speeches and what not. As for a memorial... probably not, as Zulu is a one-way trip.



I also had the idea of the player raising the NCR flag (dropped by the troop standard bearer) during the battle for a morale boost.


One final idea (for the moment) - during a side-quest, the player stumbles over a mutt, starving and wounded. The player can heal/feed the animal which will run away afterwards. Upon returning to Zulu, the player will find that the mutt has followed them inside and will be adopted by the troopers as a mascot. This adoption will result in the dog giving an early warning before one of the assaults, which will save one of the named NPC's from getting killed.

1. There will be a potential sidequest that involves something similar - stealing the Legion standard.


2. Not bad... :wink:


/end responses


Thanks for all the feedback! I've been working on the battle quite a bit, and now have a whopping four randomized events in place. Nonetheless, they are four stable, tested variations. One of the challenges will be balancing, as the Legion is absolutely steamrolling the garrison right now. This is partly due to the sheer quantity of attackers, as well as the fact I didn't complete several sidequests (some of them aren't even finished). However, it keeps boiling down to me and the two rangers fending off a horde of Legionaries. Not good.


Other notes:

- Defenders will slowly regenerate hp as long as the medical bay is intact. It can be destroyed by sappers, suicide slaves, and/or extremely accurate (aka lucky) artillery fire

- Getting bombarded by 120mm mortars SUCKS

- Getting attacked from 3+ directions is a clusterf*#@, but it seems realistic

- There will never be enough manpower to cover the entire perimeter; the player will have to prioritize certain spots and roll the dice, in a manner of speaking. It's Alamo-esque in that sense.

- The Legion will have a chance to create breaches in the perimeter at the start of an attack; these gaps may be repaired, but it will take valuable time (about 2 hours)

- The interval between attacks has been set to 0-6 hours. Highly subject to change.


I should have a video up later tonight. I'll post a link when it's up. Thanks!


Can't wait for the mod.


This video reminds me the final battle in a game called Viet Cong :laugh:

viet cong game: mission part 46
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can't say the same to be honest because imho the nexus don't really need another nobodyknowskowmanymonths beta.


bounties1 beta is from 30.7.13, bounties 2 beta from 16.8.13, no progress/updates there in months.

and now with russel a third beta, from 7.9.13, nearly two months no updates.


so no i don't really care when the next member in this betafamily appears on the nexus, makes no sense for me to start a new playthrough with all these betamods.

imho it would be much better if he finishes the three other betas until they deserve a "final", i think the beta in all their names is there for reason, before working on zulu or any other new mod.

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can't say the same to be honest because imho the nexus don't really need another nobodyknowskowmanymonths beta.


bounties1 beta is from 30.7.13, bounties 2 beta from 16.8.13, no progress/updates there in months.

and now with russel a third beta, from 7.9.13, nearly two months no updates.


so no i don't really care when the next member in this betafamily appears on the nexus, makes no sense for me to start a new playthrough with all these betamods.

imho it would be much better if he finishes the three other betas until they deserve a "final", i think the beta in all their names is there for reason, before working on zulu or any other new mod.

He said this mod would be this first one he finishes completely, no betas!

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  • 2 weeks later...

would you be on about caesars 5th cohort? if so that mod was a good idea but in my opinion could do with some fine tuning.


Edit: i found a fine tuned version (or so it says) http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42872/?


in reply to someguy on page 1

Edited by CrimsonFist501
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