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The Age of the Dragon


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Cyhran sits on the wagon and stares at the sky.

Voices are swirling around in his head:

Female voice: “It has become boring since you left…”

Male voice: “This artifact…..is necessary….meet me in the Deep Roads”

Cyhrans voice: “What have you planned with this…”


He knows what this thing has done to the people.

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"So you became a fighter because of the Blight?" Illadriel asked Jadaco and glanced at him as well as others to see how they're doing.


She thought that he was lucky to survive the Blight, she was far away from Ferelden at the time but so many people were killed by the darkspawn... the people of Lothering for example.

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(Sorry!!! :sweat: I changed it ;) )


Isabela was trotting along for a while, just listening to Jadaco's story of becoming a warrior. She wouldn't have thought that he had become one because of the Blight. Somehow to her, he had seemed like the type that had a sword in his hand by the time he was not older than five, and he yielded it because he wanted to, not because circumstances made him do so. But it explained his noble attitude, perhaps. In some ways he reminded her of Hawke that way too.

She wondered about everybody's story. How Illadriel became a Grey Warden, how life at the Dalish was before that. Cyhran who was funny and cheerful, but on the other hand seemed like deep in thoughts a lot, as if he tried to cling to a memory. What brought him to this place? Or the red haired elf, who seemed so frightened all the time and a little sad, but also pure and kind. Like a little forest bird, Isabela thought smiling, glancing over at the girl. She remembered rescuing her. The pirate knew she could have handled herself. The elf seemed to have a lot more power and strength than she realized herself. It made her think of Merrill for a second, and she hoped that the red haired elf wouldn't meet the same fate her former friend had.

Wind on the other hand seemed like the perfect assassin. Calm faced, cheeky and quick. He was a survivor and knew his way around people and dangers.

Then there was that mage that followed Illadriel around. What was his name again? Thomas! Thomas, right! he was the one Isabela had heard speak the least so far.

She shook her head lightly and concentrated on the road before her again but decided to spare her boots from the filth and dirt and climbed on the wagon where Wind and Cyhran sat.

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"Yeah, all three of us joined up-me and my two brothers- and two of us came out of it. The entire world was at risk, what else could you do? The army needed every able man it could get, and all three of us were strong, tough boys at the time. I consider myself very lucky to have only lost one of them-Ostagar, in case you were wondering- especially when all it takes is a single Darkspawn to kill both of us, if it's tough enough or it gets lucky enough. Don't get me wrong, we can both fight damn well, but Darkspawn have pure ferocity, worse than the most vicious animal. They don't care what kind of damage they take, they just want to bring about your brutal death, I've seen it. I am a lucky man to be alive, and especially lucky to still have my brother and mother."
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Wind had been lost in thought for the last while, he finally came around when the warrior began telling his tale. He was tired and he hadn't had much sleep, not since that night back at The Hanged Man. He drew one of his Crow-Blades and laid on the back of the cart, wrapping up in his cloak and pulling his hood over his face, his blade in his hand and laying across his chest.


He closed his eyes and went to sleep, a deep dreamless sleep.

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Once the group left Kirkwall behind their backs they stopped for a moment to figure out which way to go next. Hinuf suggested to down the road while it was going in the direction they needed to go but Illadriel remembered what the others had said about wanting to go to a forest, thus she said it would be better to go through the forest thus shortening the distance.


"By the Maker's hairy... how do you think we will drag the wagon there, Warden!? Do you think trees will move out of the way? For all we know them damned bloodmages might be hiding there!" Illadriel watched the forest, quiet while the dwarf shouted.


"It should be safe. There's a forest road, thus nothing will happen to your precious wagon. Let's go." The Dalish Warden reassured the dwarf and continued walking. Hinuf still mumbling followed and the wagon started moving again.


Illadriel thought about the blood mages or even worse abominations. There should be plenty of those in the outskirts if they were not yet slayed by the templars or other skilled adventurers. She said nothing to the others though. There was no need to worry anyone.

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"Oh, good, we're out in the forest now. I hate cities." Jadaco noted absentmindedly. "If you need to, I can head out to hunt, better too much food than not enough."
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"I agree with that," Isabela commented while sitting on the tottering wagon.

She noticed that the elf Wind had fallen asleep. She wondered how the heck he was able to do that, considering the constant shaking of the wagon and the sound of its wheels crunching on the dirt path underneath them.

The weather was to their joy. It was sunny and warm, a cool breeze blew across their faces ever so often, brushing them gently. The birds were singing in the distance but got louder the deeper they got into the bright forest.

She had been through the Korcari Wilds just once and very briefly - luckily - she didn't know whether she liked this one more, or the Wilds. They both bore dangers of all kinds and they were both mysterious and dark in their own ways. But this forest here, lacked the strange, ineffable feeling that the Wilds gave you.

Isabela wondered however, if there really were any dangers in this forest. It seemed to close to the city to really hide anything for a long time. Surely Templars and Mercenaries were roaming the forests ever so often, to check up on easy ways to earn some coins.

She took a deep, silent breath and lay down on the wood.

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Everybody was falling asleep on the wagon, looked like. Jadaco considered joining them, but then Illadriel would only have the dwarf and the mysterious elf to help keep watch, and he wasn't sure if either of them could hold their own in a tough fight.


"Hm. Everybody's going to sleep on the wagon. You can too, if you like. I can take watch." He said to Illadriel.

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Alaila agreed with Jadaco's statement, hating the cities herself.


"If you are worried about your wagon," the elf spoke to the dwarf traveling with them, "I shall scout out ahead."


And without another word, the elf left her bag and her staff in the wagon, near sleeping Wind and started running right of the direction the group was walking in. As soon as she was out of sight, the mage stopped and breathed in slowly, closing her eyes.


One breath...two...three.

A white hawk with auburn-reddish feather tips and bright blue eyes flew up from the place where the elf was just a second ago, climbing high in the sky to get a look around. The city was behind them and she could see just how busy and populated it was with its inhabitants looking like ants from that height. The bird stopped climbing and stopped in the place, making small circles while she searched for the road the group was taking and the wagon, along with the people in and around it.


Flying over them she cawed out and flew them over, going further ahead to see what lies in front of them.

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