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The Age of the Dragon


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Jadaco rolled his eyes at the two on the cart, but said nothing. He felt a bit like he stuck out in this group, he was one of, if not the only warrior. It felt odd. He didn't mind the people themselves, though, especially Illadriel, the two of them each had experience and wisdom to share.
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"Now how did a warrior like you end up in Kirkwall?" Isabela asked, turning to Jadaco for a change. "And how long have you been here so far? Have you hoped for an occasion like that? To get back into battle or something? You seem like a handsome man who could have wife and kids by now ... but then I guess the same could be said about me, well ... except the guy part, but you know," she chuckled lightly at her own joke but then gave Jadaco the chance to answer, eager to hear some stories, simply because he seemed like a person with a lot of exciting but also deep history you could learn from.
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"I arrived in Kirkwall I think....yesterday." Jadaco replied. "And yes, I've never been one to sit by while bigger things happen, as I've said. This war is the exception. Besides, I travel. A lot. Nobody I've met wants to do much more than settle down into a big city. I'm not ready to stop travelling yet. As for getting here in the first place, I've seen most of Ferelden and have no desire to go to Orlais for quite a while. Free Marches seemed like the obvious place to go. Kirkwall served as a gateway." Jadaco explained.
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The group traveled for a short while until they found a good enough place for a camp. It was a small area with a few cut down trees with the stumps left in the ground. Huge trees towered it. Illadriel gestured for the others to stay back while she walked around the area. She noticed the small campfire which was quite fresh. She only hoped that whoever rested here were not hostile.


"This will be a good place to rest for the night." She said when she returned to the others.


Hinuf gestured to his mercenaries to pull the wagon to their camp and start unloading food, tents and everything else they will need.


While the dwarf shouted at his men to be careful with the cooking pots Illadriel watched the sky. Soon it will get dark and whatever is hiding in the forest will crawl out from the shadows...

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"That's interesting," Isabela commented on Jadaco's little introduction to why he was here, meaning it. "Orlais can be quite funny, when you know where to look ... but then that goes for pretty much everything," she added with a smirk and ended it with a shrug. As they got to a spot that Illadriel saw fit to be their camping grounds, Isabela too, noticed the campfire spit and gave Illadriel a smile - not to worry, it said, and she patted her daggers on her back and gave her a wink.

She decided to help the dwarf and his workers get things settled in order to save time and effort.

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Wind kept to himself mostly, the woods were not his preferred place to be but he made due. He found a nice tree and carved the bark off in a circle the size of a tea cup saucer. He took a few steps back and hurled one of his Crow-Blades deep into the wood, the blade hit dead center of the small target, the second Crow-Blade flew straight and true and sunk into the wood just a fraction of an inch next to it.



Wind shirked off his cloak and armor, he retrieved his Crow-Blades and kept practicing.

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Cyhran agree with Illadriel that it's a good place to stay.

He looks for a tree stump where he can put down his bow and his materials and utensils for the poison- and drug manufacture and find a tree stump that is in front of one of the huge trees.

After that he helps the dwarf to unload all the needed things from the wagon.

Edited by LeoXaladin
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Jadaco, after helping unload the wagon and set up camp, went to a corner of the camp near the woods and practiced archery. He wasn't the best, but he was definitely good. About three quarters of his shots hit where he was aiming dead-on, and the others each within a few centimeters. Not bad. He retrieved his arrows and put his bow away. He wondered if anybody would spar with him. He returned to the campsite.


"Anyone up for a bit of friendly blade practice?" He asked.

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When the mercenaries were preparing the fire, Illadriel sat on one of the fallen tree trunks and tried to make out something in the map. She heard Jadaco asking if anyone would want to practice with him. She was about to suggest to practice after the dinner than suddenly the peaceful sounds of the forest was disturbed by the screaming.


The elf arose from her seat grabbing the daggers. The two mercenaries grabbed for their swords as well. while the dwarf tried to hide under the wagon. The screaming was coming from somewhere deep in the forest and by the echo it seemed that whoever were screaming were far enough from the camp. It was the way the screaming sounded that unnerved Illadriel. It was terrifying, full of agony. The kind of screaming that would turn even the bravest and strongest men blood cold.


"By the beards of the ancestors! What was that?!" Hinuf shouted from under the wagon. "I don't know." Illadriel replied and turned to look at others, waiting for their reaction. The camp as well as the entire forest fell silent. The Warden waited for more screaming or maybe whoever was in trouble suddenly running out of the forest and into their campsite but nothing happened.


The dwarf assumed it was safe again and slowly he crawled out of his hiding place. "You said something about warrior caste?" One of the mercenaries asked smirking. "Sod off!" Hinuf grumbled and approached the Dalish elf. "You think whoever is out there will show itself?" But she didn't reply. Illadriel hoped that whatever happened in the forest won't happen to them tonight.

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Jadaco had his blades out instantaneously, and adopted a ready stance. Orum growled. The sound of the screams made even Jadaco feel unnerved.


"Any idea what could make someone scream like that?" He asked, with a hint of shakiness in his voice. "Maybe an abomination? If we're close to the Deep Roads entrance it could be darkspawn." Orum certainly smelled something he didn't like, because he only growled deeper. The hackles on the back of his neck stood straight up. When the sound faded and was followed by little else, Jadaco didn't let his guard down. "Orum and I first watch tonight. Whatever it is, a mabari is the one most likely to hear it coming. The next few hours are probably when it will be closest to us. I won't take no for an answer." He stated with authority. Obviously he wasn't in charge of everyone, but he wasn't going to budge here.


"Forget blade practice, we can't have someone injured by accident before an attack." He circled the camp, one blade drawn at all times. Orum lagged a little behind him, taking time to smell everything.

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