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The Age of the Dragon


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After Cyhran was finished with the unloading, he goes back to his place to produce a few poisons and medicinal materials.


Although Jadacos offer sounds tempting Cyhran focus on the production for the moment.


Suddenly a painful cry sounds amid the forest.

Cyhran places one of his hands on the handle of one of his daggers.

When it was quiet again, he stays up and asks Illadriel:

"Shall two or three of us look where the scream came from?

If yes I would suggest that wind and I go to check it."

Edited by LeoXaladin
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"I doubt splitting up is the wisest option, Cyhran. We don't know what it is, and we can't take unnecessary risks. Still, if that is your wish, it is ultimately Illadriel's decision." Jadaco said, experience taking over.
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“Wind and I we’re rogues and fast. Okay he’s faster than me but still I think we must take a look.”

With a worried expression he says: “I have a bad feeling that won’t be the last scream and better we know what’s going on there or rather who or what is or was the cause for this than do nothing.”

Cyhran looks to Illadriel: “But as Jadaco said I leave it up to you to decide, Illadriel.”

Edited by LeoXaladin
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When Wind heard the scream he dug his Crow-Blade from the tree trunk and dashed for the target, his blades held inversed in his hands. He moved like a wraith in the night, slipping from place to place, barely visible for a second. As he moved closer he heard rustling in the forest. His training took over as he got close, he sniffed the air for scents of people and watched the distance, he listened for birds but there were none.


"I'm not alone out here..." he thought, his palms began to sweat around the hilts of his blades, his breathing was shallow and steady and his heartbeat was strong and calm.

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Illadriel agreed with Jadaco in this case. It was too risky to go out there when they have no idea what happened and especially not when it's so dark.


"Jadaco is right. We shouldn't split up. The forest is already dangerous enough especially at night." She spoke remembering her life the her clan and how sometimes she and other hunters found horribly mutilated corpses of humans or forest creatures. "But I cannot forbid you to go." Illadriel added after a moment of silence.

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Jadaco looked around for a second, before an expression of worry crossed his face.


"Wind's gone. Think he went off?" He asked, drawing his second blade. Orum was growling a little bit more fearsomely than before. "I'd hate to go against my own advice and go after him, tempting as it may be. And we can't all search for him without leaving our supplies here for anybody to take. Leaving up some sort of signal is risky, but we are all competent fighters incase the...whatever it is, I'm guessing an abomination, shows up. If we're not going anywhere tonight I'd suggest we sleep with our weapons close." Jadaco was deep in thought, thinking of a course of action. The option that would probably be best survival-wise, which he hated, would be to not spread out to look for Wind, but if they split up to look for him they ran the risk of being picked off, one by one. If they stayed as a cluster, they'd survive if attacked, but would attract attention and be far less likely to find him. If they looked for him at all they significantly reduced the amount of people guarding their food and water supplies. Jadaco didn't see any good options here.

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Cyhran takes his hand on his forehead and sighs

“After one problem comes another. Great, really great. But our wind elf is nimble and smart, so I think he can handle this.

If he won’t come back until the sun is fully down, I will look for him.”


He looks to Jadaco

“Hopefully it’s not an abomination. I really have enough of them.”

His view going down and with a sad voice he says:


Edited by LeoXaladin
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Wind felt the tip of an arrowhead at the back of his head. A familiar sweet smell filled the air around him, a smell from his youth. The smell of a former love.


"Lenael?" He said as the female elf came from the darkness.


"Wind?" She asked, releasing the tension on her bow.


He stood and sheathed his daggers, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. "You're back my husband..." She whispered in his ear.


Wind smiled awkwardly, frankly he would have rather dealt with bandits or demons then his wife.


"Lenael I am not back to the clan...I am just passing through..frankly I don't think I could come back to them." he said honestly.


She parted from him and took a step back, her eyes full of confusion. "What do you mean my love?' she asked cautiously.


He smiled and thought about his words. "I don't think we have much in common anymore." Lenael's face grew heavy with sorrow. "I see...where are you staying could we atleast talk to one another?" She asked, he nodded and guided her back to the camp.


When he got there everyone was talking about what to do with him, he let out a whistle and waved.


"Uhhh everyone...this is..my wife..Lenael.." He said awkwardly.


"This is going to be weird..." He thought as he prepared to face the barrage of questions.

Edited by Macman253
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Jadaco gave Cyhran a funny look, but not for long. He supposed that Cyhran had a past with Abominations like Jadaco had a past with darkspawn, seems they'd both lost siblings to their respective enemies. Suddenly he felt a bit more friendly towards Cyhran, they had something in common. He patted him on the back reasurringly, like he would one of his comrades.


"I lost my brother to Darkspawn, and my father to possessed corpses. I know how you feel." He said soberly.


Wind appeared out of the woods with another elf. "WIND! Why'd you run off like that? You scared all of us- who's this?" He paused mid-sentence. When Wind introduced her as his wife, and sheathed his blades and went to shake her hand.


"Jadaco Phalanx, ma'am." He held out his hand with a smile, although he didn't have much experience with the Dalish, he didn't know the proper greeting, hopefully it got the proper message of a friendly greeting across. Orum sniffed this new person curiously.

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“I’m really sorry for your loss of your brother and father.”


After Wind appears with a female elf and introduces her as his wife, Cyhran thinks:



Cyhran goes to them and smile

“Wind it’s good to see you in full health. We all were worried about you.”

Then he looks to the female elf and bow to her:

“Nice to meet you. My name is Cyhran. Welcome to our camp.”

Edited by LeoXaladin
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