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The Age of the Dragon


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Wind watched the lights, it flickered in and out of view. He smiled once he realized what it was. "It's a lantern...someone with a lantern.." He said as he reversed his grip on his twin Crow-Blades and threw his cloak over his shoulder. The dark cloak covered much of his body, leaving only his lower legs and hooded head visible.
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"I guess the thought of an abomination ain't all that ridiculous after all," she mumbled, drawing her daggers quietly from her back. Without any words, she gestured to the side with her head and Wind understood.

They would approach the stranger from the sides.

Isabela took off into the woods, trying not to make the slightest sounds, which was hard for her, despite her being a well trained pirate. Usually she did stuff like that in a city, or on her boat, on the sea. She didn't dislike forests but was not a nature freak like the elves, although she did respect them and all about them. It was endearing.

The lantern came closer and soon it turned out to be more than just a single lamp carrier. It was a bunch of Templars. Three of them.

Isabela hunched down, trying to listen to their conversation, despite their clanking armor and heavy boots stomping on the ground.

" ... no, they said we would find her out here."

"But this is ridiculous, Jeff! If she is out here, the wolves have gotten her. Why are we wasting our time? We could go to a tavern or something, take the rest of the evening off, like the rest of the order."

The other one, carrying the lamp, who had spoken before, did not answer this time.

"Come on, Jeff. Karl is right," the third jumped in hesitantly after a while.

Isabela knew they must be talking about Alaila.

She caught a glance of Wind in the distant bushes and gave him a sign, indicating that she waited for his suggestion to either knock them out, kill them, or leave them. She still hoped they would turn around on their own and call it a night, because knocking them out they would wonder what had happened the time they woke up, killing them would draw suspicion. Although ... that could be solved by blaming wolves and other creatures roaming the forests. They could leave them and go back to warn Illadriel and the others. They would probably reason with a Grey Knight. Isabela thought that might be the best idea and told Wind so from a distance by shaking her head and making a gesture that indicated going back to camp.

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Cyhran fills the last Lyrium Potion liquid in a flask.

He thinks that Alaila maybe need some Health Poultices and Injury Kits, so he packs 2 Health Poultice and 3 Injury kits with the five Lyrium Potions in the bag.

With the bag he goes to Alaila and hand over her.

"I have put 2 Health Poultice and 3 Injury Kits into it. You never know what can happen in the wild."

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The elf had been looking around, listening to the sounds of forest when the rogue again approached her. She stood there for a few seconds at first, surprised by his gesture.


"I...this is very generous of you. I did nothing to deserve such gifts."

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Before following Jadaco, Illadriel went to have a little chat with Hinuf. The dwarf was not pleased with her decision or the fact that everyone kept leaving the camp at night leaving his precious good unprotected.


"We will be back shortly." The elf said and picked her daggers up off the fallen tree trunk she's been sitting on. "I'm ready to go to the Dalish camp." She said.

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Jadaco nodded, and simply began to walk. It took a while before they reached the tip of Sundermount, wasn't a particularily eventful trip. As Jadaco approached the main gates to the camp, he turned to face the others.


"This is the place. Be on your guard." And he walked in.

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With a cheeky grin, scowl and a knocker on Hinufs shoulder Cyhran says: "Nothing to worry dwarf, because I'm still here"


"It is better if at least one of us remain at the camp."

Cyhran hands over two bags to Illadriel

"Both of them have 3 Health Poultices and 3 Injury Kits. For you and Jadaco. I have already given a bag to the mage elf.

Have fun out there."

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"Aye. At least someone stayed." Hinuf replied as he heard Cyhran. "Why did you stay?" He asked. The others wanted nothing more than to leave the camp, yet he stayed.


"Thank you." Illadriel said to Cyhran as she took the bags from him and followed Jadaco to the Dalish camp. She did not expect to see what she saw there. "By the Creators! Who would do such a thing?" The elf asked as she walked by one of the Aravels and peeked inside. It was empty.


Illadriel scanned the camp silently, hoping to see something that showed that someone survived. It hurt to see that one of her people were butchered like this. Haven't they suffered enough?


She noticed the heraldry on one of the flags. "Sabrae clan..." She said quietly. Illadriel remembered this clan from one of the Dalish gatherings.

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Well as I said at least one of us skilled fighters should stay here and protect you and the wagon.

Cyhran smiles to Hinuf

But if you don’t need me, I will go for a walk into the forest.

Edited by LeoXaladin
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Wind skulked into the bushes and made his way to the tree line as the three templars argued. He picked up a rock and threw it behind them. One of them turned at the sound.


"Hey guys, I heard something.." He said to the others, they all turned to look as the one in the rear moved towards the sound. At that moment Wind darted across the path behind them, moving as silently as his namesake. He leapt over the wall of bushes and landed behind them with barely a sound. He watched them, studied their armor and their movements. Remembering the weaknesses in their armor and the hesitations in their bodies, cataloging old battle-wounds. He spun his daggers around in his hands and prepared himself for the assault.

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