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Skyrim, worth while game?


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Iv been having a lot of trouble with skyrim of late and decided I want to read about other peoples problems with the game. The problems you face and wright about here cant be of mod content, I only want to hear about problems that you have with the vanillia game, and its dlc.


I for starters have run into about 5 bugged quests which i could start but not finish because of people i had killed befor hand or what not, thats preposterous. As a big dumb orc character i enjoy a good sluagther now and then, how can i tell whos on the reciving end of the rampage im cutting threw this countryside, when i make it so i cant finish a quest why does the game even allow you to start it. I literaly have atleast 4-5 quests stuck in my quest log, one of them main story(which i beat) so why is it still there.


And DawnGuard, sweet jebadia did they test that game befor it went out, because i dont think they did at all. In one day of having dawnguard i ran into a bug/glith on the first quest got stuck and restarted it and then restarted it and then restarted it and then restarted it again, no joke i did that quest 5 times(evertime reverting back to a different save with my orc, in all saves i went back to the dawnguard quest line wasent started at all). So fresh saves and new run threws the quest did nothing. After i console my way past that quest i go recruit that surine chick and Gunmar but Gunmar stands around with his thumb up his ass and does nothing, so after console past him(having to use console to continue a quest is just sad, just make the game work right) I go back to Isran go into fort Dawnguard and then all the gates shut all around me and after the Npcs have their lovely little chat the quest updates as finished and my game CTDs.


I thought Bethsda was a decent company(They made Morrowind after all they must have been good at some time) but everything they do nowadays just makes me laugh, they cant make a playable game, their a joke, and they ruined skyrim(tho thats got nothing to do with game bugs/glitchs).

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I for starters have run into about 5 bugged quests which i could start but not finish because of people i had killed befor hand or what not, thats preposterous.


How is that preposterous? This ain't no Red Dead Redemption or GTAIV, you DID that, its your own fault, don't go saying its bad or bethesda sux because you and ONLY you did that.


I thought Bethsda was a decent company(They made Morrowind after all they must have been good at some time) but everything they do nowadays just makes me laugh, they cant make a playable game, their a joke, and they ruined skyrim(tho thats got nothing to do with game bugs/glitchs).


How they ruined Skyrim? Please explained that to me and it also sounds like you never played Morrowind, Bethesda may be in the sh*t yes, but their games are playable if you are careful, and why are they a joke?

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You know, guys, there're two sides to every coin, but the coin itself is not about the sides. It's about what's between them. I'm seeing two sorts of remarks, here. One side is that Skyrim is garbage The other side is Skyrim smells like a rose. The truth is somewhere in-between.


I didn't get in on the virgin voyage of Skyrim, so I missed out on what people have called one of the buggiest games that Bethesda ever released. Many of the initial bugs have been fixed, either by Beth or by modders. Unfortunately, it seems like Beth is into releasing their work prematurely, and I've been reading horror stories about 1.7 and Dawnguard, which is why I still have my game frozen at a pre-1.6 point. I figure, wait a few months and let players do Beth's beta testing for them, report and/or fix the bugs, and then I'll upgrade.


Skyrim is not unplayable, Ezrion. There are still bugs in it as of late 1.5 patches, and some of those are quest-breaking. All PC users should learn to use the console and consult the wiki, because you're likely to run into situations where "setstage" is going to be your best friend. Mostly, though, things work, even if not seamlessly. Skyrim is definitely more stable than Oblivion as a whole.


As for your issue with killing people who are necessary later on in quests, and then complaining that this is a bug well, you actually have a point. Characters that are essential for quests should be flagged as essential in the game -- not even able to be killed by he player, at least until their involvement with their quests is over. This is just good game design. I imagine this is an oversight on the part of the developers. Report this matter to Bethesda, with specific names of the characters and quests involved, and maybe it will get fixed.


Frankly, I have to agree with Georgiegril. While a thread about issues people find in Skyrim would be productive, inasmuch as it will bring those issues to the attention of the modding community (you do run with the Unofficial Patch, right?), just ranting about problems is not productive.


Finally, I have to ask if you're actually running vanilla Skyrim with only the Dawnguard DLC installed? Some of your problem smells like mod interference, but I'm sure other people are better suited than I am to sort this out. It would probably help if you actually posted your load order.

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Yes, Skyrim is buggy....I can say that with assurance as I first played this game on XBox (no mods) before I transferred to PC (to be able to mod)....but the extreme extent your speaking of Ezrion....it's not THAT buggy....there's something more going on with your game....Do you use mods...maybe clashes between mods and what's their load order?....Is your PC up to a high enough standard to run Skyrim?....because your game sounds seriously broken.....that's not Bethesda, not to that extreme extent.....Sure Skyrim and Dawnguard are buggy and the patches sometimes introduce new issues as they delete old ones, but the game is far from unplayable and having to console through is a very rare event. Edited by StayFrosty05
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On the point about killing NPC's involved in quests, I happen to like having the game this way and wish there were no essential characters at all. In Morrowind you could kill anyone and make it so you could never have any chance of finishing even the main quest. It did pop up a message telling you that you killed someone important, but there's something about having the power to really do whatever you want, kill whoever you want, that I really like. The fact that some characters are essential in Skyrim is bothersome to me but a welcome change for others I guess.


On bugs, I haven't really run in to many. I've had to use the console on one quest and had 3 CTDs through my 25 or so characters some of whom didn't last long while others got pretty far into the game. I run about 40 mods now and have the 1.7 patch and really don't see what all the fuss is about. I know tons of people are having issues but I'm not one of them.


Can't comment on any of the Dawnguard stuff as I don't have it.

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This is a general discussion forum so i thought i could talk about what i want, if you think its not productive then go do something else you don't have to read posts you don't like.


I don't hate skyrim, its a great game, its the Elder scrolls FFS. I simply wanted to start a topic where people could share there (bad)experiences with others, i really do find it amusing to hear about skyrim glitchs. So be "Productive" and post some or don't and leave please


The quest thing i went over already, how can it be my fault that i have to still have the quest in my quest log jumbling it up after iv already failed the quest because of some NPCs death, why dosent the quest simply disappear from the quest log once its failed like moraevik said its just good game design.


Skyrim IS unplayable(sometimes), at level 5 do you guys fight blood dragons or ancient dragons? Wanna know how impossible that fight was?

In the middle of a quest the person you have to talk to isent there or refuses to talk to me while the next person i see is fine.

Quests which once i complete them skyrim CTD instantly(Vanilla quests,and Dawnguard quests)


I do run mods but those are new armors/weapons/clothes and the opening theme was changed to that woman how sang the dragon born song(cant remember her name tho it started with an M i think) and CBBE but not ever before was i having problems with these mods, all problems i have were in the base game and havent stopped sense i got the game.


I have to disagree with you on the whole"skyrim more stable then oblivion" thing, its not never was. The sheer amount of glitchs i run into in skyrim put every Bethesda employe to shame. You said it your self "let the players beta test there game and fix it with mods", that is bad company management. While i have completed Oblivion 3 times(story that is(its just so short)), and ran all over cyrodil i have never ran into the problems i have everyday with skyrim.


I bash Bethesda for not knowing how to make a game, look at the TES line of games, notice the sharp decline in game enjoyability between Morrowind and Oblivion. Back when i was a little shithead my Mother had to drag me away from Morrowind to go eat supper some nights, Morrowind was my life for most of grade 11. Then i played Oblivion, meh, never impressed me till martins fight with dagon. Then i played Daggerfall after i got it off Bethesda site, THAT GAME RIGHT THERE. It was and still is a masterpiece, infinitely better then oblivion or skyrim(also iv nearly beatin it and how many bugs/glitchs have i ran into, none.)


Skyrim is a ruined game, Bethesda went and made Dragons the main enemies, wow that's not exactly like every other rpg. What was the Elder scrolls befor that? It was an RPG series on its own level, i used to say to my friends all every time they got a new RPG "meh looks good but its no Elder scrolls" And now Skyrim is a steriotypical RPG go ahead and try to find something into that not been used before. The Elder Scrolls were the height of RPG gameing, they were diferent then any other RPG. The things you did, the monsters you fought, the quests you did were a good jump and a better leap from other RPGS that litered the shelfs of stores. I remember a time when the mere fought of a game being as good as TES was funny to me, but now those games look decent in contrast to skyrim.


Ill say it again to avoid flaming from people who think TL:DR, i like skyrim, its just not a well put together game. Now that all thats out of the way would you guys stop post on a topic when you have nothing of to contribute. I didnt start a topic to start an argument, I started the topic to be able to hear about other peoples glitchs.

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