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Thanks to the Moderators


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Thank you to the site's Moderators, especially LadyMilla, for keeping up on all of the spammers that have cropped up lately. Your efforts do not go unappreciated at least by this one!!



The Rabbit

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Thank you to the site's Moderators, especially LadyMilla, for keeping up on all of the spammers that have cropped up lately. Your efforts do not go unappreciated at least by this one!!



The Rabbit





13 or 14 pages of new ones!!


They've been VERY busy!



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I agree that it was an awesome display of banhammer prowess.


I happened to notice what was going on right near the beginning and managed to mostly keep up with opening each and clearing the unread flag at first. Whenever both Jim_UK and LadyMilla were working together I had no hope of maintaining station. I finally admitted defeat after about 10 pages as it appeared there was no end in sight. This confirmed the veracity of claims I've seen that it takes mere seconds to ban an account.


Rest up those carpal tunnels ... they've earned a day off.

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