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Next best thing for the US (and perhaps the world)


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  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

    • Barack Obama/Democrats
    • Mitt Romney/Republicans
    • Any Other/Third Party such as Libertarian/Green etc
    • All political parties are a waste of my vote

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You are a 100% Product by the leftwing education system. Who buys the expensive cars? Who buys boats, houses, luxury? The evil rich are the ones creating jobs, not the wellfare moms and "Obamas gona pay by bills"-Sheeple.

And i don't like taxes at all. The income taxs is not mentioned in the constitution at all. So the tax rates for income don't bore me.


The 1% rich buying expensive cars and boats is your argument?


What about the other 99% of the people in america? Someone who owns a small buisness or even restruant chain will see less people spending money at all if they are only making $35,000 and expect to pay $2,000 or more in taxes a year.


If your arguing that we need more rich people to buy expensive stuff in this country then only the big buisnesses will thrive and our economey will fail. And honestly do you see extremely wealthy people riding around in a car made in america? ussually i see extremely rich people driving a mercedes or BMW.


Ironic that luxury is mostly outsourced too.

Edited by colourwheel
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The 1% rich buying expensive cars and boats is your argument?

Thanks for the occupy talking point.


The "1% rich"(God i hate this bolschewik talk) all have foundations just as the rockefeller or bill&milinda gates foundation. They are tax exempt anyway. And they are laughing about this commie talk, because they run it.

Sorry, i don't waste anymore time on discussions whit you. You have obviously no idea whats going on but feeling smart kopie&paste Leftwing Talking points. Sit back and enjoy, america will soon become a Peoples Republic.

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america will soon become a Peoples Republic.


People who were agianst Obama said this 4 years ago.


The country has not turned into some communist nation, and no one has any less freedom than they had before Obama took office. Besides Bush pratically making torcher legal in this country nothing has really changed much other than the economy the last decade.

Edited by colourwheel
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Seems a standard tactic of the right to paint anything obama does as "socialist"... it's simply a buzzword lately.


I am real curious why it is that "obamacare" was painted as a socialist program, but, the very same style was used in Romneycare in Massachusetts.... but, that was the 'right thing to do'??? How do they reconcile that?


In either event, both 'cares' are simply treating the symptoms of a larger ill. Both parties are poking around the edges of the problem, but, neither side is addressing the real problem. Jobs. America needs jobs. Put america back to work, and a fair few issues will simply solve themselves. (and I mean good jobs here. not the minimum wage, would you like fries with that kind.)


In all reality, neither party really has a clue how to 'fix' the economy. The government simply cannot create jobs. At least, not sustainable, private sector jobs. They can provide an environment that is conducive to job creation, but, that's it.


To think that giving the 1% yet more tax breaks is going to magically cause them to want to create jobs here at home, is laughable. It hasn't worked in the past, and it won't work now. There are too many motivations to create jobs ELSEWHERE via tax cuts, and 'free trade' for it to be even remotely plausible. American companies have built more infrastructure in foreign countries, than they have right here at home in the last decade. (and more...)


What is going to happen when the situation in the middle east comes to a head? If we actually indulge ourselves in military action against Iran, do you think China, one of Irans staunchest allies, is going to give us a free pass on that? Right now, they control a significant percentage of our foreign held debt, and an even more significant percentage of our production capability. Personally, I think moving a lot of our production to places that are quite likely to be our enemies in a future armed conflict really wasn't the brightest move.


And then there is Syria...... Both Russia AND China at one time were pretty friendly there.... We (the US) are supporting the Rebels.... whom are made up of various organizations that are mainly islamic in nature, and a fair few of them don't have a high opinion of the west..... We are working toward replacing a government that doesn't like us, with a government that hates us...... Quite similar to Egypt, where we turned on our ally... in support of a new government that REALLY doesn't like us, nor do they much care for our ally Israel...... Who thought that was a good idea?? Has the US become a "fair weather" ally? We will support you right up until your people revolt, and then we will turn on you like a rabid dog? There's a nice reputation to cultivate.....

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On a more serious topic, I would, in this situation vote democrat, though only as a lesser evil.


To be frank both sides of American politics, in my view, are deeply problematic; It's a common stereotype where I come from that all Americans are stupid. Not slow on the uptake, but genuinely, utterly, fundamentally stupid. The reason for this-the reason is that it clings to ideas of patriotism and national identity that, while they have protected it in the past, are now damning it to a potential future as a has-been once-super power, limpley flailing an army it can hardly afford to feed and thinking back to the good old days, like a war veteran sinking into dementia.


America can no longer afford to hold onto all it's past ideals. The right to bear arms, American capitalism, the very constitution and culture of the great beast need to change in subtle but important ways if it's to survive, and this is where the other half of the stereotype comes from. The other half of the stereotype is that Americans are not only ignorant, but willfully, gladly, gleefully ignorant. And this in my experience of Americans, having visited and lived in America is, sadly, atleast half true. It's that they've never lived outside America, they've never "seen over the hill" so to speak. They can't see the problems facing them, and they lack the experience to devise solutions. Instead we get people sweeping the nation's problems under the rug, leaving it to the next generation to clean up the previous' mess. But now, after so many generations the festering rot under the rug has reached the point that it soon can no longer be contained, and that's the problem, because when America finally wakes up and realises how far it's fallen from grace and power and respect, it may be already too late to redeem it as we know it.


And this is the problem I foresee-because of certain aspects of American culture, it may simply be unable to accept the fundamental changes it needs to make to survive. Could America, culturally, exist as a welfare state? The cultural fallout from America's impending infrastructural collapse could be disastrous. With incredibly outdated ideas like the second ammendment, and pre-atomic era concepts of violent patriotism, civil uprising, and the earlier mentioned wall of ignorance and prejudice in some parts, could America survive the internal consequences of it's own rude awakening?


Under Republicans I really, serious think not. Republicans are the very embodiment of America's problems, they are the chief under-the-mat-sweepers, the dilletants and cowards who've prevented the country changing more than any other group. They're not the cause, but they're not far from it, and they certainly won't be the solution. Yet their biggest problem is their concept of what America is; you simply have to look at some of their recent speeches, and even posts here to realise how deeply flawed their entire idealogy is. The Republican party is America's most immediate enemy, for the simple reason that while other men and women would change what is neccessary to keep America America, the Republicans would instead, obstruct change, they represent the very lack of change, the stagnation, that has brought us to this point. Yet the sad thing is, they've not only caused America so slip out of time while the world grows, but by that very fact, they've all but ensured their continued support, as they can simply claim to be "More American" than any rival.


The Democrats? also a problem. The Democrats have done more in Obama's time to fix America than I would guess, the last 5 Republicans. The last Republican saw America enter a war it knew full well it couldn't possibly win, introduced a handful of new bills, and walked around like an ape. Obama has introduced several legislations that are absolutely key to modernising America; for example, "obamacare"-a flawed version of what others have been using for decades. And that's the problem-because Obamacare was ridiculed as "socialism" as if it was some sort of abominable concept. And yet any Australian would swear by socialism, since it works perfectly for us, and we're hardly communists. The so called people's republic of America could well be the best thing that ever happened to America. It could improve the lives of millions and prevent the country's slow sink into obscurity. For outsiders-it's a simple decision-sink or swim-and this is where the stereotype comes from. Because in America, the decision to swim, could be the hardest and most unpopular in the nation's history.


And on a side-note, I was raised by communists; we're not so different from you.


"Communism is a utopian ideal, mankind is a dystopian species" -anonymous

Edited by Vindekarr
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Vindekarr and HeyYou I can agree on a lot of points you two have made.


But living in any country its hard for any one to accept any dramatic change. I highly doubt the country will turn into a socialist nation. The huge factor that everyone is really forgetting here is sadly most people who spread these rumors and lies about obama just don't like a black president.


If Obama was White there wouldn't be this huge uprising of lies and hate towards one of the most conservative democratic presidents in history. a lot of people hate to admit it because showing racism is taboo in politics yet the only way to spin it is just to call Obama names and spread rumors about him being a socialist, muslim, that is anti-capitalism, who knew about the 911 attacks since day one, that hates god, etc...


Which is all lies....


This hate historically can be said began when the 1st Black president in history of America was elected. Never before in history has there ever been so much hate over any other president.


Sadly even if after Obama serves another term this hate won't go away until the republicans gain total power in the whitehouse again. I would hate to see what would happen to our country if we endup with another Bush. Honestly the country will probably fail if it happens anytime in the next decade.


Edit: and another thing...


Say that this country does fail and America becomes split into 2 different countries like North and south Korea. How would the world view America then? If thats what some americans want then it would set back the nation 200 years and probably set off a world war.


It would be ironic but sad if its America that causes the end the world.

Edited by colourwheel
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To think that giving the 1% yet more tax breaks is going to magically cause them to want to create jobs here at home, is laughable. It hasn't worked in the past, and it won't work now. There are too many motivations to create jobs ELSEWHERE via tax cuts, and 'free trade' for it to be even remotely plausible. American companies have built more infrastructure in foreign countries, than they have right here at home in the last decade. (and more...)

Trickle down economics is the idea. But what happens to the extra money when you give the big corps and rich tax breaks is this> http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jul/21/offshore-wealth-global-economy-tax-havens

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Thats a heck of a lot of money (lost revenue), particularly since it's an english news item, that english trillions are 1000 times larger than american trillions (we use a different system of calculating trillions). Seems to me at least, the US government should not be less concerned with tax cuts or tax breaks to create jobs, but actually tighten up tax loopholes instead. Probably would create more spendable revenue that way, and so create more jobs eventually.

Seems that some people view the US as a top nation, thats slowly on the way down the pecking order. I still see it as the top dog, but I do expect China to overtake it by the 2016 elections. For what it's worth, the UK were top dog long long ago, but even though we have slid way way down the pecking order, we still cling to the view that somehow we are still a great nation. I expect the US will do the same, feeding off the scraps of the big table, living on past glories.

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Seems that some people view the US as a top nation, thats slowly on the way down the pecking order. I still see it as the top dog, but I do expect China to overtake it by the 2016 elections.

Yes, and it makes me afraid. As a European, I'd rather live in a world where the US is the nation at the top and not China :/ Yes, the US is far from perfect but China is not really any better (understatement).

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