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Any chance the next Fallout could be released for the Wii U?


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The problem is not in the hardware, but in the way that Nintendo seems to have been running things for the past 10 years. They've been too concerned with trying to push a gimmick with each new system, keep the majority of games child friendly, and generally not provided 3rd party developers outside Japan with ways to develop for their consoles. Add to that the very lackluster sales of the Wii U console (not entirely blamed on the name and confusion with the Wii), their focus towards the handheld gaming market, and you have what essentially boils down to a company who is floundering and only holding on because they manage to push out a new Zelda, Mario, or Metroid game every year.


All of the cool things that you could actually do with a tablet controller just doesn't seem to be likely.

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The problem is not in the hardware, but in the way that Nintendo seems to have been running things for the past 10 years. They've been too concerned with trying to push a gimmick with each new system, keep the majority of games child friendly, and generally not provided 3rd party developers outside Japan with ways to develop for their consoles. Add to that the very lackluster sales of the Wii U console (not entirely blamed on the name and confusion with the Wii), their focus towards the handheld gaming market, and you have what essentially boils down to a company who is floundering and only holding on because they manage to push out a new Zelda, Mario, or Metroid game every year.


All of the cool things that you could actually do with a tablet controller just doesn't seem to be likely.


It doesn't help that the tablet controller is rubbish, it's uncomfortable, it's resistive making swiping awkward, it's low resolution and the battery is cheap and nasty.

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  • 2 months later...

Unlikely. Nintendo has maintained an anti-3rd party policy since the N64 era. And most people see the Wii-U as a flop, especially developers.


Also, developers aren't even sure what sort of games are even gonna sell on the Wii-U. Its a totally different target audience than the PS4/Xbone.


This explains why developers are uncertain about the Wii-U:


Call of Duty: Ghosts (Wii-U)




Only 150k copies.






1.7m copies sold, and a lower install base than on Wii-U.



If a main AAA game that sells well on other systems doesn't sell on the Wii-U then what the hell will? Nintendo 1st party games? That is awful disheartining to see the COD sales #s on Wii-U if you're a developer thinking about porting a game to Wii-U. Uncertainty is very high. You'll be asking questions like, "Will I even recover the cost to port the game?" And that is just sad. Lots of developers have gotten burned by releasing games on Wii-U. I don't know what makes people think a Fallout game would fair any better on Wii-U than COD: Ghosts did.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

ha! you guys seem to forget the Wii-U is no longer supported and wont have games released for it. Also Nintendo makes family friendly games.


That said, Nintendo Switch will have Skyrim (3rd quarter, 2017).

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