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The big reason I don't like PvP is Mesmers. I just tried doing PvP again today and the entire other team was Mesmers (Not exaggerating at all. Everyone on the other side was a Mesmer). :confused:

They just seem way too good in PvP. Mostly because I always end up dazed or immobilized or etc.

WvW I didn't notice that as much, but whenever I did that people were spread out everywhere.





First up, my Charr! I stole money from my Ranger and pretty much sold everything I could to get enough gold to get 500 (I think) gems for his armor. And then like one silver for the sword which I transmuted with one he could actually use. :D



Next my hoo-man ranger. First with Iv000, then in the swamp (which I just thought looked pretty cool on the higher settings), and last in the... Dragon branding place... Or something like that. Its the purple place on the map. I stumbled across the gate to Ebon Hawke in Divinity's Reach.







Edited by K00L
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Yeah Mesmers can be a pain so I made one, they're hard work but really powerful if you watch what you're doing. They can't take a lot of damage though so it's best to stay out of the centre of those WvW battles where area attacks are constantly raining down.
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I still haven't tried a Mesmer. I should do that sometime. :P


New Armor! Level 50 finally! xD


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:) Yeah but my ranger is pretty much broke now!
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its funny. when i started, launch day, and shortly there after, there werent a lot of mesmers. at least in the Asura starting world. there were a lot of Necros and Rangers, still are... now i cant be anywhere without seeing mesmers :P
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I've got my Mesmer to level 19 so far and I'm having great fun. I love watching some lumbering warrior oaf hammer away at one of my clones while I'm inflicting all sorts of unpleasantness on him. :biggrin:
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i got mine to 22. the GreatSword is what i see every single mesmer using, almost without exception. however on mine it has a Staff with a Scepter/Pistol. the Scepter keeps the supply of Clones up, while the Pistol applies numerous conditions to enemies as well as a good DPS Phantom. and the Staff has good AoE. i did use the GS sometimes, but i stuck with the other setup most of the time, for the time i was playing mesmer
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FOTM is a big problem in all MMOS. IT's a sad fact of humanity that some people lack imagination and creativity-a lot of people simply copy what they see others doing, and the more people copy, the more copies are visible and the more potential copiers think "oohh, that must be a good build" Sadly it usually is, but in the Chinese-Whispers copying process, any power it may have had gets lost. The thief is the FOTM over on Eredon terrace, and this is a very, very bad thing. Not because it's a bad class, but because the vast majority of players playing it do it so badly, it's completely useless. Ranged thieves are an omnipresent thing, there's over 100 of them in my guild, but regrettably even out of that 100, about 80 or so are useful only as bait.


The problem is that these lazy people who buy into FOTM rarely put any effort into their characters-because they can solo most mobs, they tend to think they're powerful. But they aren't, and you would not believe how many thieves I've had to kick from dungeon teams because they aren't contributing anything. The worst problem is that the build they're all using is pitifully bad, dual pistols, specced with every point they have into Power. Sadly this has almost no useful DPS as it's all focused on one target, and lacks proper DPS even then. With no thought to survivability, most die in a single hit, and when their illusions of capability are rudely shattered by a rampaging boss, many then become angry, and take it out on their other companions. I honestly can't stress enough just how often I see people doing this build and behavior, it's a major problem.

Edited by Vindekarr
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