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To tell these stories the way we do is the main reason some of us (me) play these games.

I became a premium member to the ModsNexus and now it seems you are considering to remove the one major thing I use it for.

I find this more then a little distressing.



This. There is really not much more to say.

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The way I see it the imageshare, as opposed to the rest of the Nexus, is not a file-sharing site. It's not even an online art gallery, the way deviantART is for example. It's a community. It's a Skyrim (and Oblivion and Fallout and NWN etc) tale-sharing community, a way to divulge one's own vision of the game's world and to participate in other people's ingame experience. It's what some of these games have closer to multiplayer, and sometimes even more than that. Because what lots of people experience isn't simply a kill monster/upgrade hero/move to next level sequence, for many of us it's taking part in a story and sometimes that story doesn't have anything to do with quests.


These image galleries are vital to telling these stories. People have spent considerable time and creativity to express their personal visions and give life to their tales - it's one of the main advantages of the Nexus imageshare over other sites, the only way to present this kind of sequential image narrative without having to create your own blog somewhere.


What's more, they help reduce spam. If I have 3 interesting takes on the same scene, I don't need to post thrice, I can create a gallery of alternative takes.


And last but not least, one can use this feat to promote the work of others. Very few screenarchers make it to the Top Images, which thus results incapable to mirror the best of what the imageshare has to offer. It would be awesome if there was a gallery somewhere of someone's favourite pics so others might consult it, but since there's not the only way to share one's personal preferences is to create a friend/fav/best of thumbnail gallery for everyone to see.


And that's three reasons why the image galleries need to stay. Or even encouraged.

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I, personally don't care if this feature stays or not as I never even thought about using it but a lot of people seem to love it, so maybe limiting the number of images would be the best idea. Maybe 5 for regular members and 10 for premium? Or 5 for everyone.


As for some people not resizing their images, maybe you could include a code as an example in the User Options area when posting a new screenshot so that people could re-size their images themselves. That way everyone would know how to do it.


Just throwing in my two cents on the matter. :teehee:


Edit: My mistake. :facepalm: I thought you were talking about removing this feature entirely but you only meant images uploaded somewhere else and then being posted in the description. Sorry about that, please ignore this. :wacko:

Edited by Guest
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At first nexus was just for mods. But now it becomes really something bigger. Now it the whole community not only of modders, but of fans and peoples who simply interests in game.

Yeah, there some "specialized" community sites where people discuss their game experience (each country has at least one), but who ever heard about them? (some people even don't know nexus have forums...) Anyway most of content on local community sites is linked to nexus.

I think, that nexus needs to "grow on". Screenshots, storytelling, comics and other stuff became a valuable part of this community, so it needs further support.

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At first I used Nexus sites only for mods but after spending more time here I discovered all these amazing people sharing their stories, comics or just some images which they had taken. Now it is the main reason I am here. Personally, I think that taking this feature away is doing more harm than good. There is always another way, so limiting images per post seems like the best idea. Also, I wish to note that it wouldn't be very fair for this feature to be available only to premium members because there are a lot of non-premium members who share amazing stories and images and may not be able to afford premium membership.

Also as jessb81 said, deal with the members who actually post 50+ images, I for one have not seen even one member doing this.

Edited by rencux
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The way I see it the imageshare, as opposed to the rest of the Nexus, is not a file-sharing site. It's not even an online art gallery, the way deviantART is for example. It's a community. It's a Skyrim (and Oblivion and Fallout and NWN etc) tale-sharing community, a way to divulge one's own vision of the game's world and to participate in other people's ingame experience. It's what some of these games have closer to multiplayer, and sometimes even more than that. Because what lots of people experience isn't simply a kill monster/upgrade hero/move to next level sequence, for many of us it's taking part in a story and sometimes that story doesn't have anything to do with quests.


These image galleries are vital to telling these stories. People have spent considerable time and creativity to express their personal visions and give life to their tales - it's one of the main advantages of the Nexus imageshare over other sites, the only way to present this kind of sequential image narrative without having to create your own blog somewhere.


What's more, they help reduce spam. If I have 3 interesting takes on the same scene, I don't need to post thrice, I can create a gallery of alternative takes.


And last but not least, one can use this feat to promote the work of others. Very few screenarchers make it to the Top Images, which thus results incapable to mirror the best of what the imageshare has to offer. It would be awesome if there was a gallery somewhere of someone's favourite pics so others might consult it, but since there's not the only way to share one's personal preferences is to create a friend/fav/best of thumbnail gallery for everyone to see.


And that's three reasons why the image galleries need to stay. Or even encouraged.


The imageshare for a lot of people is more than just a bunch of screenshots, on the NV site there's a small community that's built up over time. Many of us have played New Vegas to death, we've seen everything the game has to offer, we've done all the quests and we've played all the questlines, the next step for many is to start your own story, a story you share with others. There are numerous people posting their own tales, their characters and gameworld have developed a lore of their own, people even pass their characters over to others who include them in their story.


Sharing your experiences is a big part of gaming these days, machinima is hugely popular, even M$ and Sony realise this and have included video recording and streaming in their new consoles.

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50 images may be far too many, limit the number if you have to, but I love reading and writing stories on the Nexus.

I and many others have spent many many hours compiling and fine tuning our tales.

A lot of these shots are laced with a few pictures, weaving a short page of a tale, the flow of it has become an art-form to some of us.

It would be a cruel shame to loose all that hard work.

To tell these stories the way we do is the main reason some of us (me) play these games.

I became a premium member to the ModsNexus and now it seems you are considering to remove the one major thing I use it for.

I find this more then a little distressing.

I second that. One of my main reasons to continue using NEXUS is story telling and be able to see other peoples story's or showcases. As a paying customer that makes me sad that you thinking to "close" down that feature.

On a personal note, since my country (Greece) is economically destroyed and me not able to do the job I wanted (film director) making storys here on NEXUS gave me some solace. I know that whatever we write doesn't make a difference but be assured that your site will be running more smoothly when I and I believe many other screen archers leave from it.

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I stay with my agreement with BenBenBen, Majesty, Jess and Aok in this.... ofcourse 50+ images in a serie of one upload is far too many but what about those who doesnt upload so many in one upload... i myself has started up writing stories(again) and doing so with my own interest of hobby and continuing ONLY because getting such positive feedback for my work in it... thus using images in description box but i never overdoing it(like putting loads of images in there with the story) cause the story makes the description long enough anyway.. but thats not the point.. if this change will leave my images in description box into just links instead of images i will honestly just stop writing. :confused:


And before i forget... i support those who write stories cause i enjoy reading/watching images alot... can spend hours every day to read or watch!

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You all must realize that no one wants to take this from you. However sometimes limits must be made to save the functionality of the site. And yes I have seen folks regularly post 20 or more pictures in the description sections (and yes there is occasionally people that abuse this option, posting items that are against the rules thinking that its not the actual image share image or something. Though this is a very, very and did I say very minor concern.)


Remember too...that all those images show up here (edit: by "all" I mean the initial images on the image share...so you have a duplicate of images on the sites..the description ones mostly do not...I just want to add that for those that do not know that images are here on the forums also..sorry for that confusion) on the forums as well as the imageshare. It does have an impact on the functioning of the sites and the forums.


I think its great to hear ideas (like Drakes) and please keep them coming. I am sure there is a way to still allow you all your creativity and not make the sites go belly up from overloads of images.

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I just want to add that for those that do not know that images are here on the forums also..

I don't see why we even need the initial images to appear on the forums. One proper place is enough. Edited by TheOutlander
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