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I understand that many of you are very passionate about the image share. I, too, enjoy sharing my images with others. However, the site is called NexusMods.com, not NexusImages.com. Images are a secondary part of the site...a side benefit of making, sharing, and downloading mods.


If the site is being negatively impacted by the image code used by some screenshooters, then it only stands to reason that the problem should be eliminated. Keep in mind that we have no idea what the performance of the site is like behind the scenes. Only Dark0ne and the admins know that.


Dark0ne isn't doing this to make your life miserable. He's doing it for the benefit of the site, which includes many more members than just those who are interested in the image share. Trust him to do what is right for the site. Wait and see what happens...it might end up being even better than it is now.

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As an admin on a different site, I can tell you that images, sigs, avatar sizes, and all of that type of content impacts the data transfer and is a huge source of frustration for the people who have to run the site. On the other hand, a feature as popular as the one in question shouldn't be just erased altogether. Many members do rely on and appreciate this aspect in being able to showcase their own and other mods. I do agree with a limit to images added, as well as size of those images.


I'm also thinking that jessb81 is correct in writing that, unfortunately, a decision has probably already been made...





Is this thread for "feedback, suggestions and questions?" Yes.

Do I think it's unfortunate that the feature will be removed? Yes.

Do I think it's entirely up to the admins/owners? Without a doubt.

Have I had issues with the "drama" that happens on this site? Yes.

Will I give my two cents again when asked to do so? Probably not.

Will I still support this site and it's changes regardless? Yes.

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Alright now. Let's not forget the points Dark0ne brought up initially and the glaring difference between them and the topic discussed here now.


Like I said earlier, before there were images posted in the image share sections to collect armies of supporters and direct them to this thread to voice their disagreement with the 1 point Dark0ne threw into the room how the points he brougt up earlier 'could' be taken care of the easiest, like... "8" pages back already now (?!). Just wow...


What were the points again? Oh, yes, "site performance impact" and "gash layout destruction".


The 2nd point, "layout destruction", alright, is something only the people viewing the actual pages/descriptions really can be concerned about in the end. And then, as it is with mods already, the saying always goes "don't like it? move on". Nobody is 'forced' to look at the description, or to let the pages like aok's I tested and reported back load for over 5 minutes on 16k DSL until all images are in.


This is not exactly Nexus site business or concern. And if it is in their eyes, they could easily fix it for example by making the BB-Code "img" tags in file/image descriptions automatically down-scale the images when the IPBoard software translates these into HTML-Code "<img>" tags before pumping them out to the client, OR, like they already do, let the staff clean up the really glaring misconducts among the descriptions when they stumble across them.


Now, the 1st and significantly more important point from where the Nexus site is concerned, "performance impact", is something which only comes into play when we're talking of putting images into the descriptions which are "also hosted on Nexus", i.e. linking to the image share itself, "on site".


Due to the nature of the IPBoard software used, directly translating the BB-Code "img" tags into HTML-Code "<img>" tags right before sending the page to the client's browser, any "performance" issues produced by those descriptions only impact the viewer. The impact on the Nexus servers when "off-site" images are used in the tags is exactly "0". It isn't like the forums or site servers are first loading all images refered to in image tags down to themselves somewhere and then send them to the client's browser. Staff correct me, if I'm wrong. But that's not how BB-Code works.


However, using images "hosted in the image share" in those tags, especially when following the suggestions to mark your images "hidden" then use to them in your descriptions, produces a massive, and I mean 'image/file server shutting down from overload'-type of massive, impact on the server performance with the numbers of images in descriptions we are talking of here. 50 images simultaneously requested be 1 single page load, multiplied by the simultaneous views of this one page by an increasing number of users, and you will inevitably run into the max. number of simultaneous connections to the image/file servers or their gateway(s) over time.


As the most of you image story tellers are definitely not doing this but using "off-site" hosted images instead (photobucket or similar 'dedicated' image hosts), your stories and your massive use of image tags inside your descriptions will only ever concern the poor users having to cope with the several minutes in loading times your pages do have to them, or simply opt to not view them accordingly. This is up to them and has nothing whatsoever to do with Nexus server performance the slightest. Again, Staff correct me, if I'm wrong.



Alright now, having said that... again... after "8"(!) pages of repetitive "same, same" and blowing things out of proportion, basically, only because of the 1 "idea" Dark0ne brought up shortly after mentioning his 2 points repeated above...

I, too, must admit that turning 'all' image tags into links in descriptions is a rather 'drastical' solution to the issues brought up. But what most in here seem to have forgot is, it was still only an "idea". If you know Dark0ne's and the devs' doing for as long a time as I do (joined when it was still Tessource and was automatically migrated when it became Nexus, but doesn't matter, just to give an idea of how long a time I'm talking of here), and even if not, you should already know by now, no such decisions will ever become "final" behind your backs or without listening to your opinion on the matter.


It was just an 'idea', and I think we can safely say by now Dark0ne does have had more than enough voices against it to know a different approach will be more welcomed. Now give the poor man some time to have another say in the matter.

There was no need for a coordinated 'call to arms' from the image share section to literally flood this thread with that many vocal opposition, now even derailing to attacks on moderators for voicing their own personal opinion in defense of potentially required methods to preserve the site's primary functioning, if it really can't be helped any other way in the end. It was only "1" idea brought up by the site owner, and if you go back and actually read the post this uproar is all about, you will see this was all just blown out of proportion remarkably by now.


...more than "8" pages and still going, getting more and more hostile each post, or just repeating what others already said... don't you think Dark0ne should've noticed your opposition to his proposed first naive approach by now? Give him some time to answer now and come up with one of the other approaches he had up his sleeve back then... could you? This is about finding a solution, not continuing an unneccessary and needlessly disproportioned uproar.

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I think accusing Admin of not listening is a bit harsh, changes are constantly being made to the site based on user feedback. If the imageshare is hurting the site then something does need to be done, that abuse The Vampire Dante linked to earlier really has to stop, I'd obviously prefer it was stopped in a way that isn't to the detriment of those who play fair, a limit to the number of embedded images (10 sounds reasonable) and a maximum width of 900px for example, maybe even stop the hotlinking of Nexus hosted images, forcing those wishing to embed images into using an external host.

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To my knowledge there has been no decision implemented or even mentioned before this thread.


It is sad to see the over-reactions and the misinformation being passed around on the Site and in images and image threads regarding this issue of something that has not yet happened and perhaps is not yet even been decided.


I have tried to get folks to focus on trying to offer alternatives or to debate their points in a positive way so that some resolution could be found (and I thank all those that have offered things.) One that could if not please everyone, could be better than nothing and give the image share creators a viable option to continue to share their wonderful works in a way they find appealing but improve the sites performance. I am sorry to say I have failed and see so much distrust, hostility and unwarranted panic that I am surprised, saddened and stupefied.

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Dark one,


It wasn't that long ago that the terms screen archer or story boarding were ever heard of. Not that long ago a game worth taking screen shots of did not exist. We are witnessing the birth of a new art form. As game graphic's get better and better, I believe this will become more popular.

Before disregarding it take a look at Nataly's stories http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/1956480/?tb=images&pUp=1 You have people literally creating graphic novels here!

Or Willow's showcases http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/938388/?tb=images&pUp=1 What an amazing support of the modding community!

There are MANY others like them as well. These people put a huge effort into these. Yes this started as a modding community, but something more has been born out of it. It is plain to see that the two go hand in hand.

The Nexus should EMBRACE these things, perhaps even creating showcase and storyboard sections. Yes it is a technological challenge. Imagine what Facebook must deal with, not suggesting the Nexus has anything close to those kind of resources, but the technology IS out there and becoming more accessible. Consider how quickly your cell phone has advanced.

Embrace it or get out of the way, because someone else will and then say hello to Myspace.

I don't mean to sound harsh. I LOVE the Nexus. I wouldn't be a paid member if I didn't. But taking this away, or reducing the graphics (I'm for limiting the number of images to 10 or 15.) will kill this love.

And when something better comes along a whole community (most I know are paid members) will leave.

This is the birth of a new art form. Don't kill it, embrace it. Who knows what it could grow into. Think outside the box! You did it before, do it again!





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Just FYI, we're planning to remove this ability from the Image Share soon because frankly, we don't like it. We'll code in something so you can setup a "showcase" of some of your other images instead, but we'll be removing the ability to use the img tags in the Image Share descriptions.

This comment is why. I was not about to let the feature I love best about this site be "possibly" eliminated without voicing my disapproval. As a paid member I feel I have that right. Also by letting many of my friends here who I knew would also feel the same way to allow them to voice there disapproval if they choose to do so. I was concerned that the management may not know how much this feature is loved. The voice of many speaks louder then the voice of one.

Please know I do love this site. I'm a lifetime member. I choose not to stand by and watch something wonderful disappear.



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The imageshare is for gameplay images, featuring user made mods being optional, sorry but that's all it is and will ever be to the admins of this site. Creating anything more than just simply pressing your Print Screen key and snapping a random game image is simply not seen as anything of any value compared to making and hosting a mod here. The imageshare is way down on the list of importance in terms of improving/changing, it is only in the spotlight now because it may be negatively impacting on site performance, and as folks have been uploading images for years without this fairly recent trend in multiple screen series in the descriptions I would probably prepare yourself to lose this feature soon.


If you are incapable of making posts with out trying to take shots at the staff, then stop posting in this thread all together, the passive aggressiveness is getting tiresome.



Edit: And maybe you should all take in to consideration the amount of problems have been birthed in the image share before demanding much of anything, between the endorsement fraud incidents, the constant drama and the almost never ending problems over ripped content and trolling in the comments, I suppose those "evil" admins could just close it down, and end a ton of problems all at once.


You guys cry about how unfair the change would be, but how about thinking about how unfair it is for all the people that get caught up in the issues that stem from the imageshare in general.

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And on it goes with the fighting, groundless accusations, overreactions and blowing things out of proportion.


I'm out of here. People in here aren't reading before posting anymore anyways.


Time for a break... erm... breakfast.

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I have been following your postings, Drake, and I certainly hope you're right with how off-site hosting does not affect the servers for the Nexus. Because - like you or someone else mentioned - it would be a nice compromise for the site admins make a script to disallow images from the imageshare to be included in a description to retain the ability to use image tags.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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