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@Double H:


That's a really good idea, actually. I mean, let's face it. If the admins hack the image share coding all together, then what will happen is people will revert to uploading images from a series individually. So... rather than the uploaders putting up full-rez images one-by-one... do like Double H says and give an option for a mini-gallery in the description that internally hosts smaller rez images for the rest of the layout :)


Good idea, Double H ! :D

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What?! Getting rid of the BBC code image imputing part? WHY?!! That's one of the coolest parts about sharing an image, you aren't limited to just one, you can tell whole stories!!! Getting rid of it would be just silly... I can bet you that getting rid of this would make a lot of people stop sharing as much as they do... You know how that saying goes, if it aint broke, don't fix it, showing bbc coded images is not a broken feature, Getting Rid of It WOULD be Breaking a good thing...





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The imageshare is for gameplay images, featuring user made mods being optional, sorry but that's all it is and will ever be to the admins of this site. Creating anything more than just simply pressing your Print Screen key and snapping a random game image is simply not seen as anything of any value compared to making and hosting a mod here. The imageshare is way down on the list of importance in terms of improving/changing, it is only in the spotlight now because it may be negatively impacting on site performance, and as folks have been uploading images for years without this fairly recent trend in multiple screen series in the descriptions I would probably prepare yourself to lose this feature soon.
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@Robin + the Nexus Team: please reconsider your plans to disable the image-tags for the image descriptions! They are essential for so many of us screenarchers, storytellers and modders!


All of us, who use them regularly, know how to properly resize our images! It rarely happens that someone adds fullsize PNGs - and then usually just because that person is new and has no idea how to resize the additional shots and to which size so that they fit into the site layout (nobody wants to have cut off, gigantic pics in his image description).

The little galleries are no burden for the Nexus when they are hosted elsewhere and they load instantly when you don't add too many shots (I normally use 3-5 additional shots for my showcases and little picture stories)... > set a limit of 10 additional pics or so if you think it is the best way, but please don't take this feature away entirely.



Like the others before me already said > it would be awful to lose the main feature that enables us to express our creativity - we need it to tell our tales (with pics + text), showcase armors properly (main shot + addition small pic showing more details of the armor), add alternative shots of a scene,... screenarching and storytelling have become an artform, and showcasing mods is important for modders and users alike.



If you want to improve the site-performance then set some limits and inform people when they are uploading shots (in a little box underneath the no-nudity rule maybe):

- how to properly use the image-tags (+maybe some other bb-code basics)

- the maximum allowed image-size for the additional shots (900 or 920pixels wide for example)

- and how many can be added in one image description (10 or whatever you think is reasonable)


(Clickable links are no real alternative in my opinion - a series of shots has to be viewed at once,.. and not separately by following some external links,...)



Please think about this - and find a compromise which does not destroy the work of so many wonderful, talented and creative people! The image-tags are really a big advantage of the Nexus image share - they gave/give us all many possibilities to be creative, don't take this away now - there will hopefully be another (less "dramatic") way to improve site-performance...


Well said!

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This ability to have all these images in the description section has been a pretty recent thing. Or at least people using it as such. We had lots of stories and comic before that though I admit that it was harder to do since you had to tell people this is pic one of six and etc. But it was doable.


However I love the image share. I post things there all the time (well not as much as I used to but that's a busy thing) Imageshare is important part of this site and I am glad people are still looking at ideas as I am sure Robin will. But in my opinion if it comes down to the performance of the site vs images in descriptions then I know what I would pick.


This first and foremost is a FILE share site for mods and the Forums a place for the handling, helping, assistance, etc for those mods. No one is talking about taking away the imageshare in total....but if site functionality suffers because of the massive amounts of images posted in descriptions then some limits or changes have to happen. No one is going to see all those images if the site falters all the time.


So the questions are: 1) Can we still have the things you guys find important somehow? 2) Are there alternate solutions other than complete disabling? 3) If not what is a good alternative?


FILE share site for mods - great. What's the best way to promote FILE share and mods? Throught storyboard image threads and showcase threads...

Just sayin.

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Then impose a limit, i've never seen 50+ additional images or even 10+ so I think your trying to solve a problem relating to a minority.

I removed them when I found them, either the entire page (if the original image was questionable itself), or the additional images from the description.


Found a perfect example of "over use" of images in the description area that I hadn't removed yet: Link


Yeah that's just rediculous, and likely from a guy who has no idea on how it will impact site performance so I believe that robin should make it a mission to inform the users about how this slows the site down instead of jumping straight to a complete changover - I always say don't fix what ain't broke, which it isn't but you could say it's being abused by some, so...


My official feedback (and some is echoing feedback from several authors):


1 - How to spoiler tags affect performance? Would it be easier on the site the have an additional 'storyboard' option when uploading, where you add put all the pics in a UI the same as with mod images (5 at a time)? Then the first image would be the main and show up as normal, if the viewer wishes to see the rest of the collection they hit the spoiler tag. I reckon not everyone scrolld through them all it the main 'title' image that seems to be highlight, and that way the site doesn't have to render as much...I assume that would be the case at least.


2 - Also like I have seen mentioned before, would it be possible to have the images exclusive to the relevant nexus page instead being repeated on the forums? If not change the forum image to an external link.


3 - Impose a size limit for addon images like the profile image does, or a function that scales them down automatically to 900 width


4 - Limit the number of addon images to 10

Edited by Ironman5000
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Then impose a limit, i've never seen 50+ additional images or even 10+ so I think your trying to solve a problem relating to a minority.



I removed them when I found them, either the entire page (if the original image was questionable itself), or the additional images from the description.


Found a perfect example of "over use" of images in the description area that I hadn't removed yet: Link



*scrolls... scrolls... scrolls some more... gives up and closes page*


Yeah - definitely over used :blink:



Ok so have a chat with that user. Don't penalize the majority for a few.

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This ability to have all these images in the description section has been a pretty recent thing. Or at least people using it as such. We had lots of stories and comic before that though I admit that it was harder to do since you had to tell people this is pic one of six and etc. But it was doable.


However I love the image share. I post things there all the time (well not as much as I used to but that's a busy thing) Imageshare is important part of this site and I am glad people are still looking at ideas as I am sure Robin will. But in my opinion if it comes down to the performance of the site vs images in descriptions then I know what I would pick.


This first and foremost is a FILE share site for mods and the Forums a place for the handling, helping, assistance, etc for those mods. No one is talking about taking away the imageshare in total....but if site functionality suffers because of the massive amounts of images posted in descriptions then some limits or changes have to happen. No one is going to see all those images if the site falters all the time.


So the questions are: 1) Can we still have the things you guys find important somehow? 2) Are there alternate solutions other than complete disabling? 3) If not what is a good alternative?


FILE share site for mods - great. What's the best way to promote FILE share and mods? Throught storyboard image threads and showcase threads...

Just sayin.


You miss the point. No mods..no site running..no pictures....Also I don't see you offering any help here. :smile:

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This ability to have all these images in the description section has been a pretty recent thing. Or at least people using it as such. We had lots of stories and comic before that though I admit that it was harder to do since you had to tell people this is pic one of six and etc. But it was doable.


However I love the image share. I post things there all the time (well not as much as I used to but that's a busy thing) Imageshare is important part of this site and I am glad people are still looking at ideas as I am sure Robin will. But in my opinion if it comes down to the performance of the site vs images in descriptions then I know what I would pick.


This first and foremost is a FILE share site for mods and the Forums a place for the handling, helping, assistance, etc for those mods. No one is talking about taking away the imageshare in total....but if site functionality suffers because of the massive amounts of images posted in descriptions then some limits or changes have to happen. No one is going to see all those images if the site falters all the time.


So the questions are: 1) Can we still have the things you guys find important somehow? 2) Are there alternate solutions other than complete disabling? 3) If not what is a good alternative?


FILE share site for mods - great. What's the best way to promote FILE share and mods? Throught storyboard image threads and showcase threads...

Just sayin.


You miss the point. No mods..no site running..no pictures....Also I don't see you offering any help here. :smile:



Seems like all components of the site have grown beyond simple file sharing. You can't dispute that image sharing helps promote mods and any mod author who doesn't recognise this fact is very near-sighted. Showcases by people like Willow, Azeneth and Moein are probably the BEST way for mod authors to have their painstaking work shown to a large audience of people.


Also, I HAVE offered suggestions to this thread such as limiting the amount of images that can be allowed in img code (as I agree, 50+ etc is excessive), and targeting the few who abuse this way of uploading multiple images. I'm sorry if my technical expertise is not at a web manager level to allow me to offer more suggestions.


The very fact that the administrators are STILL vocal in this thread against keeping img code going despite the multitude of comments by people explaining the worth of the code tells me that you guys have already made up your minds and this is moot anyway.

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The very fact that the administrators are STILL vocal in this thread against keeping img code going despite the multitude of comments by people explaining the worth of the code tells me that you guys have already made up your minds and this is moot anyway.



I am not an admin and I get no more say than you in what happens on this issue. Don't make assumptions here. If you gave ideas and I miss them then I apologize. I agree that we have many things more now besides the file sharing portion and I didn't say otherwise. I said first and foremost this is a file sharing site. Without that there is nothing else to build on...no site at all to PUT the images.


Dark0ne is the only person that said anything about what he had planned and he has not chimed in since. I am merely trying to focus a thread to be more helpful than hostile. I personally believe if there is no other way to save the site functionality then yes the additional images will go. I don't make the decisions...they don't pay me the big bucks.


What I do know is providing a well-run, well-maintained site where people can put up and get mods is pretty much the mission statement of this place. I love some of the images here. I find them fascinating and amazing. If there is a way to save it then that is awesome. But I don't want the site fubaring every time I try to load a page anymore than anyone else. If taking away the image codes or having less color name options (and this is from me..who has long petitioned for a hot pink and glittery username) or less embedded you tube videos is what needs done to preserve the ability for this site to function then it needs considering.


It isn't about what we like or not. It isn't some secret vendetta against screen shots. Its about keeping the dang site from crashing and burning all the time.

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