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No deployment method available


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Well I used the "Install Vortex" link, which leads to "https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1?tab=files". It reads "Beta" there, so I assume it might be a Beta release (0.18.12). I downgraded to 0.18.9 and the error disappeared. So I guess the latest version is indeed not yet ready for primetime. Thank you very much for your help :smile:

No, 0.18.12 is 'ready for primetime', I've been using it since release, and have never had a problem with "Deployment Method"

Do you have your Mod Staging Folder on the same drive as your game?


Most likely what happened is you downloaded 0.18.12 , put your mod staging folder in the wrong place, uninstalled it, downloaded and installed 0.18.9, let it install everything to the default location, and now you believe that 0.18.12 is "buggy" and 0.18.9 is 'fine'


Vortex is BETA, no matter the version.


0.18.9 is BETA, and so is 0.18.12

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