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Cats or dogs?



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  1. 1. Which one, if any, would you prefer as pet?

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Some of the pics in here are just too cool. :) Makes me appreciate my pets more. (as one of my dogs begs for a cookie......)


At one of my previous residences...... we were having a particularly cold winter, and I noticed there was a cat living in my garage..... I didn't worry about it overmuch, as I figgered everyone needs a place to live. Well, come springtime..... I noticed there was a significant jump in the cat population...... when it actually started getting nice out, and it was time for the annual garage cleaning, and prep for the next round of 'fix the vehicles'... I discovered, much to my dismay, that one cat, had turned into 17........ Holy smokes..... I was working on cutting up an old Jag, and a bunch of the kittens became curious, so my brother and I found ourselves surrounded by skittish kittens, that watched us closely, and meowed back and forth to each other.... We theorized they were discussing whether they could take one of us or not... as we would provide a pretty good meal for a day or three.......


The following week, we caught as many as we could, and took 'em out to a friends farm, that had a mouse problem.... He doesn't any more.

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I have a cat, but love bunnies. I would love to have a bunny, again.



LOL..just for you...I think she wanted a chocolate bunny for Easter instead.

Edited by Aurielius
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Well, the thing to bear in mind is breed as well. Breeds can make a huge personality difference-I've got two Maine Coons and while they're adorable now, I just know they're going to be leviathans in a few years. Think about what sort of space the creature would be living in, and then think about what sort of paersonality you're after. If you want sort of a lazy, laid back critter with a friendly, dopey personality I'd say either a Labrador(dog) or Maine Coon(cat), though both of them have tremendous apetites, it must be said, and shed vast amounts of fur. And don't expect them to be active, either. Labradors are about as active and mobile as trees, in my experience.


If you're looking for something smarter, I'd say either an Australian Colley(dog) a Belgian or German Sheperd(dog) or a Siamese(cat), though all three tend to be explorers, and Colleys, though they have a lovelly temperament and are perfect for families, tend to go nutso when bored, running around like berserkers, and are absolutely not for you if you're not going to be able to walk them a lot/have a small yard. If you're short on space, I could also recomend a pug, doubley so if you've got kids. My neighbour had a pug when I was a kid, wierd looking little thing thanks to a hob nose, but they have an amazing affinity for people.



Just to make your decision harder

Edited by Vindekarr
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I wnat both :biggrin: But if I have to choose, a dog. I used to have a big ol' boxer, most lovable creature imaginable. Also stupid, but fun. I never even seen him fight to defend himself either.
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