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Paranoid about Load Order and Vortex


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Perhaps paranoid is too strong a word. I just want to make sure that switching to Vortex won't cause any issues which I will then have to go and fix. I tried switching some time ago, but chickened out and stuck with NMM.


I do have a play through going on oldrim, would switching over mid-play through cause problems?

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the clear advice is to not switch during a game you're playing.

you can do it, of course, but why would you want to risk wrecking your game?

my advice - mod a game you're not playing so you get the hang of it and you don't cause yourself any distress.

Is there a way to get Vortex to only work for one game but not another? I mean it would seem a little ridiculous to use two different mod managers, but I'm just wondering.

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