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Why are multiple accounts so banned


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Wrong. Mods are, like movies, spread semi-public. An admission fee is asked to see a movie; an account is needed to download a mod. Once a mod author has uploaded a mod he/she should no longer have control over who downloads his/her work.


I've been banned a few times, sure. And not for badmouthing a mod on its comments page but for a comment I made in the forum to warn folks that said mod could cause problems (which it did). Mod author took it wrong and banned me. See if I care. As I write I have 7203 mods sitting in NMM for FO4 alone, so, a few bans won't let me lose sleep over it. Plus, I very seldom contact the person who banned me to ask for mercy, because, first of all, I stand by what I say and secondly, people who ban me don't deserve me as a 'client'. Even if they would unban me of their own accord I won't use their mods any longer and will even block them instead. Hey, that's me.


And no-one needs two accounts. People who have converstaions with themselves on whatever forum need to have a talk with their doctor. In case they're doctors themselves, to another doctor.

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I tried to look for the words I think you all are missing , didn't see them ... sorry if was discussed.


Sock Puppet ...


It is offensive on at least 20 levels socially. Then there is the other site mechanical reasons mentioned.


B@m! That's why they are prohibited on most sites. Yep that's why reddit sucks ... and also would naturally show over inflated popularity.

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Wrong. Mods are, like movies, spread semi-public. An admission fee is asked to see a movie; an account is needed to download a mod. Once a mod author has uploaded a mod he/she should no longer have control over who downloads his/her work.

If someone goes into a store and pisses off the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper has every right to refuse service to that person. Why, exactly, should mod authors be treated any differently than the shopkeeper? We 'rent' our page from Dark0ne and open up shop. People come in and download our mods. If one of those people piss us off, we have the option of banning them from coming back into our 'shop' and using our work. I fail to see how there is any meaningful difference that would allow a retail store shopkeeper to ban someone from their shop but prohibit mod authors from banning someone from their mod page.

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Wrong. Mods are, like movies,


You have spent some time navmeshing then ?


Actually triangles meshed could be a sort of currency built by people who want favor with mod authors.

Lot's of spaces need navmeshed. And mod authors don't have the gumption ... Could be a navmesh the request section project.


That is only true if the site is hosted by the actual owner of said material ... Bethesda

They could host all the stuff for free if they wanted. But I suspect they would piss off their content writers.


The nexus hosting the material ,,, can do what ever the f*** they want .


And what they choose to do is remain a viable hub.


Which movie theaters are not anymore.

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Wrong. Mods are, like movies, spread semi-public. An admission fee is asked to see a movie; an account is needed to download a mod. Once a mod author has uploaded a mod he/she should no longer have control over who downloads his/her work.

Wrong. Making content available to the public is not the equivalent of relinquishing all rights to the work. If that were true, anyone with the means to distribute copies of a work could do so as soon as it hit the screens (or rolled off the presses or airwaves or whatever).


Yet the creators of film, literature, music, art, software - any form of media really - are fully entitled to not only collect royalties but also have a say in what happens to the work and how it can be used, long after a work's original release.


And that includes distribution. Disney is not compelled to license their content to Netflix or Hulu any more than Warner Media is required to provide content to Comcast.


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What I think you missed , and me to explain.


When someone makes said mod with bethesda tool , they give up rights of the content to Bethesda.


Hence the only one that can declare the content is free for everybody everywhere anytime ...


IS BETHESDA ... not even the creators could have say over what Beth says.


Except for stuff not created with their tool ... which some can be done without.

But who mods without the geck ?


Artwork assets could be said not their domain ... but when said artwork becomes popular through their tools ... it then becomes their domain. Since your artwork is nothing without the foundation with which they provide.

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What I think you missed , and me to explain.


When someone makes said mod with bethesda tool , they give up rights of the content to Bethesda.


Hence the only one that can declare the content is free for everybody everywhere anytime ...


IS BETHESDA ... not even the creators could have say over what Beth says.


Except for stuff not created with their tool ... which some can be done without.

But who mods without the geck ?


Artwork assets could be said not their domain ... but when said artwork becomes popular through their tools ... it then becomes their domain. Since your artwork is nothing without the foundation with which they provide.

No, that's not true. The Bethesda/Zenimax TOS specifically says, in VERY clear words, that modders own all content they create.

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So my point is ... plead your case to bethesda if you want the force freedom of content.

The nexus won't be part of it.

Here is a direct quote from the Creation Kit EULA (found here), which clearly states that mod authors have full copyright and ownership of our mods:

A. Ownership. As between You and ZeniMax, You are the owner of Your Game Mods and all intellectual property rights therein, subject to the licenses You grant to ZeniMax in this Agreement. You will not permit any third party to download, distribute or use Game Mods developed or created by You for any commercial purpose.

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