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Is it better to play the game without mods first, or go ahead and play


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I am only asking because I still have yet to actually play the game... long story, but it involves a wife and time and well you get the picture I'm sure... lol.


There are so many mods and I don;t know where to begin to even mod my game.


So would it be better to just play the game through once and then mod from there, or go ahead and mod from the start?

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I always play the game through at least once without mods, so as to see the game as the developers intended. Only after that do I install any mods. The only exception to this that I ever make is fixes for major bugs, and graphics improvements that do not change the game in any way other than appearance. My personal opinion is that it is better to play without mods first.
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I am only asking because I still have yet to actually play the game... long story, but it involves a wife and time and well you get the picture I'm sure... lol.


There are so many mods and I don;t know where to begin to even mod my game.


So would it be better to just play the game through once and then mod from there, or go ahead and mod from the start?


Wife and kids!? :psyduck: I don't have a wife, kid or even a job and I'm yet to finish the story :teehee:. I went ahead and started modding to keep me wanting to play the game. Everytime I play Bethesda game, it somehow feels unfinished, so in a way I kinda need mods. The way I want to play it. Nobody can really tell you if it's better to play with or without mods. But hear my warning comrade, make sure you get all the mods you want before you start playing because you dont want always make a freash game everytime you install a mod, cause usually un/installing a mod while your in mid game causes problems. I started skyrim at least 30 times or more from the start and reinstalled at least 5 times before I got were I am confrontable now. The way I did it was I got stuff that wouldnt break the immersion of the game and made sure all my mods were going to work together would'nt give me problems. In the end its all about personal preferences. .


If you decide to mod, start with going the Categories list, use most endorments in the drop box once your pick a category. And pick whatever tickles your fancy.



Here's how I play skyrim; dont forget SKSE; I used BOSS, Wrye Bash, NNM:



Auto Unequip ammo

Better Sorting

Blood Witch Armor

Brawl Bugs Patch

Build Your Own Home

Calientes Female Body mod Big bottom Edition

Calientes Vanilla Outfits for CBBE

Ceriwden Smart Healer Companion

Cloaks of Skyrim

Convenient Horses

Covereyes - Eyes 4

Daedric Armor and weapon improvement

Detailed Faces V2

DreamBurrows Regal Assassin armor

DspSob Dual seath plus Shields on back

Duel - Combat Realism

Dungeon Quest Awareness

Economics of Skyrim

Enhanced Blood Textures

Faster Mining

Glowing Ore veins 300

Immersive armors v5

Improved Combat Sounds

Ishs Souls to perks

Lanterns of Skyrim Villages Lanters of skyrim villages 1_1

Liliths Slayer

No NPC greetings

Eisen platte armor - Steel-

Real arrow SFX

Run for your lives

Skill interface Re-texture

Skyrim community Uncapper

Skyrim Monster Mod v9

(Skyrim Performance pine needles


Snow fall

Super Performance fx)


Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers

The Dance of Death

The Paarthurnax Dilemma

True Dragon Blood

UFO - Ultimate follower Overhaul


Also, Sharpshooters_Extreme_Graphics_Vision-15105 along with SBW to keep preformance good. I have a older pc rig.


I yet to add a couple more mods but I am waiting fot them to improve and become stable.

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Some mods are essential I find even if you don't want to make any obvious changes to the game such as ones that can improve performance or the Unofficial Skyrim Patch which eliminates many bugs that would just wind you up without this.


There are plenty of others that can create better weather and lighting or functionality tweaks that were greatly needed in vanilla game.

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Some mods are essential I find even if you don't want to make any obvious changes to the game such as ones that can improve performance or the Unofficial Skyrim Patch which eliminates many bugs that would just wind you up without this.


There are plenty of others that can create better weather and lighting or functionality tweaks that were greatly needed in vanilla game.



I Concur. :thumbsup:

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Maybe not graphics mods, but I personally would say go for mods. Skyrim is great, but far from perfect, so patch up the more unpolished bits with mods. If you want to improve Skyrim but stick close to the original, just with some improvements, I recommend:


Deadly Dragons (original-Skyrim dragons are just pathetic. They're supposed to be apocalyptic demigods, not glorified lizards a giant can kill.)

WATER realistic water mod

Realistic Lighting with Customisation

The Paarthurnax Dilemma (small story mod that fixes a moral problem. SPOILER ALERT: A dragon who killed people thousands of years ago has since repented and spent centuries meditating to overcome his nature and helps you save the world. The Blades (dragonslayers sworn to serve you) then demand you go and murder him. This mod lets you tell them where they can stick it.)

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I think User Interface mod is essential before you begin.

Before I got it, I literally spent hours just trying to get through my inventory and that of shops. :facepalm:

Smith is also incomplete in the original Skyrim and discourage you from actually using it.

So for me, those Weapon fixes really get you going.


In fact, I think most mods that change only the appearance can be installed at the beginning.

Nothing wrong with enjoying better looks :thumbsup: (and it usually doesn't disrupt the balance)

Especially for the mushed up faces of beast races in the original Skyrim

Check out the Coverkhajiits mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5941), that's a huge difference right there.

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Off the top of my head, I can't think of any mod which I currently use that I wouldn't have wanted at the beginning of the game, but the problem is, once you start modding, you'll spend more time testing them than playing.


Here's what I gave a friend of mine which I felt were essential to everyone...


The texture pack combiner (and most of the mods it recommends)


Enhanced Blood Textures

Climates of Tamriel

The Imaginator

Skyrim Monster Mod

The Dance of Death

Pets of Skyrim & Birds of Skyrim

Unofficial Skyrim Patch


Dimonized UNP & UNP Armors

Better Males


Now, I use a lot more mods than this, but these are great to start with. As for SkyUI, I use a PS3 controller, so I prefer the vanilla interface.

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