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Any MOD that will make arrows in the head = instant kill?


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I shot three arrows to the head of that bandit and he didn't die?!

Is there a MOD to fix this, no matter which difficulty has been chosen for the player?!




Edit: maybe this one?"



I see it's got a section to tweak the damage caused by arrow (not specifically to the head... maybe an overall increased damage, but nevermind, arrows are deadly, especially with poison tips)

Edited by ianloyden
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Basic Location Damage


Adds a lightweight angle & positional based locational damage system with the following hit locations:

Head: High chance of instant kill on npcs, depending on weapon, unless armor is worn. (Can be disabled)
Neck: Instant kill or bleed-out on npcs.
Torso - Front/Back/Sides: Side hits are the most effective target on the torso against armored opponents
Left Arm: Chance of disarming a shield if equipped
Right Arm: Chance of disarming weapon
Legs: Temporarily cripple an opponent, cause a bleed-out, or stun, depending on the weapon used and the armor worn
Back Knees: Vulnerable even when fully armored. A successful hit can cause a fatal bleed-out

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Read the posts first. There are unanswered questions and bug reports, and the mod seems to have been abandoned by its author. There is no way to adjust the amount of damage per zone, only the ability to turn zones on and off.


Unfortunately, I don't have a better option to suggest. The most highly-regarded locational damage mod from oldrim has not been ported to SE.

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