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The pitfalls of Lore Friendly


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No ... but it certainly did go over your's ... :wink:


Have a great week ....



It did not go over your head? Let's see...



I pondered answering this .... and thought I should NOT point out your error, but:



Imagine if Batman fought Superman. How stupid it would be. Oh, wait...

That is actually very much a part of the DC WORLD. Bat and Superman are very much a real part of the DC WORLD, JUSTICE LEAGUE.


I might suggest that you do some homework, before you post stuff like this. You need to check what is actually a serious part of the LORE -vs- .....



You simply assumed that I did not know B v S was part of the DC universe. I responded by telling you that "it went over your head" but instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt and re-examining my sarcastic examples, you chose to drop a condescending one-liner.

  • First example (BvS) - does it really require highly developed analytical skills to realize that this sarcastic line refers to people whose knowledge of "lore" originates from a single medium (the movies in this case)? I knew such people, they watched a couple of old Superman and Batman films but never bothered to read any comics or wikis. Lore "experts" who watched the LoTR movies but never read any Tolkien books belong to this category. In hindsight, linking to a Wiki article confirming that SM and BM are part of the same universe might have been a better choice, but since I was thinking about movie-based beliefs, I decided to add a link to an officially sanctioned movie that refutes them.
  • Second example: TARDIS/Star Trek shuttle in Fallout 2. It refers to people who do not even have an in-depth knowledge of the source they consider the foundation of their knowledge of the lore. Granted, those random encounters were considered jokes and non-canon, initially the alien skull was also added as a joke to Predator 2 and later it grew into a cross-over franchise (not to mention that Predator 2 was pre-dated by an Alien - Predator comic book series in 1989 that was also considered non-canon at the time). On a side note, there is a Star Trek: Next Generation - Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who) crossover comic book series that is also considered non-canon (but it was officially approved anyway). I doubt that it will ever find its way to the screen (big or small) but who knows. The alien skull in Predator 2/the Dark Horse AvP comic book series (1989) shows how easy it is for non-canon elements to become canon.

As for GoT vs SW and the "looks out of place in the given setting" argument, if you focus on the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' books/story, obviously it would be grotesque and look out of place if G. R. R. Martin added Imperial shock troops to the next book. However, it would not look very outlandish in the Star Wars universe: a potential untold SW story that describes the Imperial invasion of a medieval world which has resources that the Empire needs could pretty much be turned into a Westeros vs Galactic Empire cross-over with a few well-placed hints (e.g. ice wall on the planet's western content, force sensitives controlling dragons in a city called Valyria on the eastern continent). The same reasoning can be used to justify or reject stormtroopers and lightsabers in Skyrim.


By the way, my other favorite type of nitpicker is the "realist". "OMG, this bikini armor is so rubbish, it provides zero protection." The rubbish bikini armor in question was actually Red Sonja's famous scale mail bikini armor which happens to be part of the canon (based on the Conan comics) and it was added as a mod to Conan Exiles. In real life, the poster would have been absolutely right. However, when the context is taken into account, he was absolutely wrong. That pesky context again, eh?


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Because I don't give a flip about batman or superman myself? :tongue:

... and yet you used it to try to " prove " your " point ". :huh:


Okay, well .. time to move on.


Enjoy your game fellow Dovahkiin, enjoy! :cool:


Err... no, I didn't? I only used examples of what is supportable by lore in the TES universe? Learn to read, maybe?

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Lore Friendliness is all in the eyes of the beholder. You make it what you want to make it, if you give it enough back story, just about anything can become "lore friendly".

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"Lore friendly" is what you want it to be in your game. I can't say to anyone "No, that isn't lore-friendly" because, heck, maybe they figured out a way to MAKE it lore friendly in their game. So don't box yourself away from really interesting mods simply because you are worried they're not "immersive" and/or lore-friendly. And especially don't let other people tell you not to try certain mods because of those same reasons.


I'm embarrassed to admit that when I first got into Skyrim back in 2013, I wouldn't try mods that appeared un-immersive or not lore-friendly. That was a mistake on my part I believe. I now use those mods and have perfectly good rationalizations for doing so in my game. These rationalizations wouldn't work for some people, but they're fine for me.


Bethesda made the game and in the end, they get to say what is canon and what is not in public. But in your own game? Your own character(s)? That's your decision and everyone else can just... er, will just have to accept it.


tl;dr: Its your game. You decide what is canon or not in it. So try out those mods you wouldn't normally look at. If you like any of them, I guarantee you will find a way to justify them in your game.

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The nice thing about the game is that the mods allow you to do different playthroughs. You can do a very strict lore and survival game, next do one based entirely on sex and then one to conquer the world with your mushroom follower. almost endless variations.

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That pesky context again, eh?


Is there any way we could herd that pesky context into a 1.2 Gigawatt containment field reinforced with silver crosses and braids of garlic?



People calling themselves "journalists" and politicians (and the herd following them) are already trying hard to do that in general.

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Is there any way we could herd that pesky context into a 1.2 Gigawatt containment field reinforced with silver crosses and braids of garlic?


Don't mention containment fields or units... You'll just end up with this idiot trying to shut it down:





"Dogs and cats, living together!"


Well, Werewolves and Khajits I suppose...



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No ... but it certainly did go over your's ... :wink:


Have a great week ....



It did not go over your head? Let's see...



I pondered answering this .... and thought I should NOT point out your error, but:



Imagine if Batman fought Superman. How stupid it would be. Oh, wait...

That is actually very much a part of the DC WORLD. Bat and Superman are very much a real part of the DC WORLD, JUSTICE LEAGUE.


I might suggest that you do some homework, before you post stuff like this. You need to check what is actually a serious part of the LORE -vs- .....



You simply assumed that I did not know B v S was part of the DC universe. I responded by telling you that "it went over your head" but instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt and re-examining my sarcastic examples, you chose to drop a condescending one-liner.

  • First example (BvS) - does it really require highly developed analytical skills to realize that this sarcastic line refers to people whose knowledge of "lore" originates from a single medium (the movies in this case)? I knew such people, they watched a couple of old Superman and Batman films but never bothered to read any comics or wikis. Lore "experts" who watched the LoTR movies but never read any Tolkien books belong to this category. In hindsight, linking to a Wiki article confirming that SM and BM are part of the same universe might have been a better choice, but since I was thinking about movie-based beliefs, I decided to add a link to an officially sanctioned movie that refutes them.
  • Second example: TARDIS/Star Trek shuttle in Fallout 2. It refers to people who do not even have an in-depth knowledge of the source they consider the foundation of their knowledge of the lore. Granted, those random encounters were considered jokes and non-canon, initially the alien skull was also added as a joke to Predator 2 and later it grew into a cross-over franchise (not to mention that Predator 2 was pre-dated by an Alien - Predator comic book series in 1989 that was also considered non-canon at the time). On a side note, there is a Star Trek: Next Generation - Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who) crossover comic book series that is also considered non-canon (but it was officially approved anyway). I doubt that it will ever find its way to the screen (big or small) but who knows. The alien skull in Predator 2/the Dark Horse AvP comic book series (1989) shows how easy it is for non-canon elements to become canon.

As for GoT vs SW and the "looks out of place in the given setting" argument, if you focus on the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' books/story, obviously it would be grotesque and look out of place if G. R. R. Martin added Imperial shock troops to the next book. However, it would not look very outlandish in the Star Wars universe: a potential untold SW story that describes the Imperial invasion of a medieval world which has resources that the Empire needs could pretty much be turned into a Westeros vs Galactic Empire cross-over with a few well-placed hints (e.g. ice wall on the planet's western content, force sensitives controlling dragons in a city called Valyria on the eastern continent). The same reasoning can be used to justify or reject stormtroopers and lightsabers in Skyrim.


By the way, my other favorite type of nitpicker is the "realist". "OMG, this bikini armor is so rubbish, it provides zero protection." The rubbish bikini armor in question was actually Red Sonja's famous scale mail bikini armor which happens to be part of the canon (based on the Conan comics) and it was added as a mod to Conan Exiles. In real life, the poster would have been absolutely right. However, when the context is taken into account, he was absolutely wrong. That pesky context again, eh?




Okay, for disclosure, since I see that you are STAFF and I will admit, that I missed that in the first posts, likely due to medication for cancer that I am taking.


I will now bow out of this conversation ... not because of something that happened here on NEXUS but a different board. When it became clear to 8 of us on that board that the STAFF did not like us and our fictional dialogs ( totally permitted as this was a big part of the board and it was NOT even R rated dialogs. Just what we would like to see in a specific set of SPACE related games ) we got banned for 30 days. Now we filed a protest and since all posts were a matter of public record on that board ... the owner removed the banned and removed the kid * yes he was a kid ( 16 ).


You know the old: Burned once, shy twice.


So I respectfully bow out of this conversation.

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