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FPS dropping over time on good pc


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If the game was running well, and you made no changes to the mod list, game settings or video settings, yet it has slowly degraded over a short period of time, then I would investigate your hardware.

  • The intake filters may be clogged,
  • the CPU or video card may be deteriorating, especially if its been overclocked, use a tool like MSI Afterburner to watch the temperatures while gaming.
  • reseating the memory may help,
  • maybe even bad thermal paste.

If you have made changes to the mods or game settings, I would delete all of the ini files and re-initialize with a new install of the game...then go from there.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry I'm late to the party. The invite must have gotten lost in the mail.

First, it's only natural that Skyrim runs the worst (though you fail to mention if it was SE or LE, which could explain a few things...) because Skyrim's engine is what, 11 years old? Not only that, anytime you play with mods, you will experience a memory leak in your saves. There's no way to avoid it at all. Not even the great and powerful Dark0ne himself can get around this. That is the nature of the beast, and an accepted factor in modding. Now, I'm willing to bet in certain areas of the game, say, around the Rift and Riverwood it bogs down, right? Or it bogs down when there's more than ten NPCs on screen? Whiterun buggy, too? Those areas are notorious for lag.

I also notice you use a lot of body modifications. Are those exclusive only to your character, or are they applied to all NPCs? That would also explain the lag if your computer is having to render 4k eye lashes on every NPC (I'm using hyperbole, here).

What level is your character? How many hours into your save game are you? Also factors.

If you're interested in eking out more performance, you could unpark your CPU cores and use a CPU timer tweak to squeeze a few more FPS out of it. GrandBulwark has an excellent (if old) page on this here.

Hope this helps!

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  • 6 months later...

from what your specs are you shouldn't be having this issue. It may be Crome causing it with some sort o memory leak. also just open up your pc and make sure everything is clean no dust ad is properly secure. I know it sounds dumb but Ive seen people knock something loose while cleaning or just forgot to put RAM in all the way etc etc. I would also suggest running a stress test software to help locate the area of issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i would recommend to check the windows and graphic card related power settings. if you play in energy saving mode you can find youself in such a scenario with very low frame rates. make sure all energy saving features for win10, cpu and gpu are disabled and check your frame rate again. sorry for the late advice ;)

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