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Fallout 3 = Oblivion with guns?


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I've just installed Fallout 3 and gone through about an hour of the game. My first impressions do seem to hint towards me thinking the game is Oblivion with guns. While there are some fundamental differences in game dynamics, like the return to traditional RPG XP leveling systems, perks, etc. the general feel of the game, to me, is that of Oblivion with guns/a new UI.


Now to the positive point; do I think this is particularly bad? No, not really. I'm probably going to really enjoy this game. But I can understand why fans of the original games don't like Fallout 3 being called Fallout 3, or a sequal to the originals, when it's really a totally different type of game in the same game world. It would be like EA making an Elder Scrolls RTS game and calling it TES V.

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At first I thought the same thing. There wasn't a whole lot to distinguish it from Oblivion. Like you, it wasn't a bad thing to me. Still, as I played on, I slowly lost that feeling. Yes, a lot of the small little quirks of Oblivion are here, and if you put hundreds of hours into the game like many of us have, those quirks may be all you'll see. But after a while you start to realize how combat plays out completely differently. It may be Oblivion with guns, but those guns and VATS managed to turn it into a completely new experience. Combat in general is a lot more dynamic and fun, and this is something you don't experience while hanging around Vault 101 or the Super Duper Mart, but a bit later in the game.
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At first I thought the same thing. There wasn't a whole lot to distinguish it from Oblivion. Like you, it wasn't a bad thing to me. Still, as I played on, I slowly lost that feeling. Yes, a lot of the small little quirks of Oblivion are here, and if you put hundreds of hours into the game like many of us have, those quirks may be all you'll see. But after a while you start to realize how combat plays out completely differently. It may be Oblivion with guns, but those guns and VATS managed to turn it into a completely new experience. Combat in general is a lot more dynamic and fun, and this is something you don't experience while hanging around Vault 101 or the Super Duper Mart, but a bit later in the game.



Don't take this the wrong way but I'm trying to understand how the combat can be "more dynamic and fun" when it seems you must pause before each fight. Is that not so?

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RPGS should be swords/bows/magic only. Guns ruin it :P



Middle Ages maybe. But I see Bethesda moved towards the Industrial era.


I may get Fallout 3. Still undecided atm.

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RPGS should be swords/bows/magic only. Guns ruin it :P



Middle Ages maybe. But I see Bethesda moved towards the Industrial era.


I may get Fallout 3. Still undecided atm.


I don't know a single person that is into fantasy RPGs that isn't also into science fiction. I personally have been waiting for this day since Morrowind came out. After a few days of playing i thought to myself "Man, if KOTOR was like this? Shhhhhhhwing! is all I'm sayin'"


I hope you'll get it because I think you'll like it. I'm really enjoying it and the Making of DVD that came with my collectors edition was a good watch and only had about 20% recycled from public interview clips. Though I wish I hadn't watched it yet because it showed a lot of the game. BTW I haven't played the previous fallout games and I'm glad of that because the nostalgia isn't killing it for me like so many OSFF.

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Don't take this the wrong way but I'm trying to understand how the combat can be "more dynamic and fun" when it seems you must pause before each fight. Is that not so?

By dynamic I'm not talking about action-packed, I'd definitely say there might be even less action in Fallout 3 than Oblivion, but it depends on how you play. What I mean is the many ways how the situation can change while in combat. In Oblivion, you just pretty much hacked away with your weapon or kept on zapping the other guys with your spells until they fall over dead. In Fallout 3, you're constantly searching for cover, you're switching weapons for different situations, there are other factors involved like grenades, mines, rocket launchers, guys flanking you out of nowhere with flamethrowers, and more. There just seems to be many more factors in combat, and a multitude of things that could change the course of battle. This is also what I find more fun about FO3's combat than Oblivion's.


And you can ignore VATS as much as you want. If you're a good FPS player and can get headshots consistently in real time, you can save VATS for just emergency situations. You don't have to use it every battle, so no, you do not have to pause before each fight.

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Don't take this the wrong way but I'm trying to understand how the combat can be "more dynamic and fun" when it seems you must pause before each fight. Is that not so?


The VATS slow motion firing is a choice, I only use it on enemies that seem 'resistant' to random bullet wounds. Otherwise it's Rambo-style run and gun.


To the original comparison of "Oblivion with guns" I think Morgan Webb has given the best response possible: "If you're the type of person that thinks Jurassic Park is just Jaws with dinosaurs, then yes, you would probably feel like Fallout 3 is just Oblivion with guns."

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