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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73621173. #73621373, #73622128 are all replies on the same post.

steamteck wrote:

Does the mod categories even exist anymore? That was my bread and butter here. Its like someone hired someone to come into my work or home and hide everything from me for no reason.



In response to post #73620718.

allmightybrii wrote: My homepage seems to be missing everything relevant. it has a big nexus symbol, 3 bars, a bell and a profile icon. it is useless. I read the comments and still cant get to my tracked mods. I have been on for 2 hours and have accomplished nothing, and this is my only day off. I am very displeased.

Same here, and I can't find the different forums either.


I ended up googling to do that.

LadyMilla wrote: Mods menu -> Mod categories
Pickysaurus wrote: It only appears on the game sites though, as there are no categories at the main Nexus Mods.

Ok the three lines on the left are actually working now and I can get to some stuff. More clicking than before but I can find categories. Edited by steamteck
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All things being equal, more clicks to get to content is not good user experience. Many items are now hidden -- mod updates for example take additional clicks to view and have less presence than they did previously. This strikes me as a poor decision. Minimalism should be the means to an end, if anything, and not the end itself. I am in no way opposed to change but good design changes will improve navigation for the user, not hinder it.
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After finding out that everything doesn't show using full screen, I have tried to get used to it, only to end up with a headache, literally. I can't possibly be the only one with vision issues, so is there any way at all that this can work using full screen?
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Guys, PLEASE, pretty please, when you work on "new" mod pages, do not make it a nightmare for mod authors to have to redesign all their mods' pages to keep them somewhat readable:


1. don't change the background colors too drastically, not all mod authors use white fonts, and some pages in black font (or worse: grey!) on grey background are already impossible to read.


2. if possible, do not break internal links - most of us authors link other authors, or mods, or users in our mods - last update was a nightmare for me to have to blindly search again for broken links and replace them all one by one for working ones. And all my "users" images" were lost in limbo, no way to retrieve the broken links.


3. do not resize images again either, please, please - most of the older mods' headers are broken already, and as users hardly read descriptions, we rely on screenshots to present our mods in a visual manner too, if only to be somewhat understood by the thousands of users who don't speak English. Forcing us to resize and reupload all our mods' descriptions and images (provided that we've not lost them!) would really infuriate a lot of us, and possibly even discourage those of us who do not have that kind of time.


4. and please, keep the "manage mod" button the way it works, it's easy, simple and efficient. No need for fancy stuff, it's just a tool to make modders' life a little bit easier, but a damn useful one!


PLEASE, remember that creating a mod takes time, a lot of time, but spending even more time to then design and create a mod page and mod description is NOT why we love modding nor why we keep sharing our mods. Creating a mod page is WORK, and pretty often a real pain in the butt - at least for me. That's honestly something which has kept me from releasing some of my latest mods which would require detailed presentations to later spare me some of the brainless comments we all get. So instead of going through all the trouble of designing and formatting, I keep putting it off and end up keeping many mods to myself.


Please, don't take this the wrong way, I love the Nexus and have a lot of respect for all the work you guys do, but honestly, I don't care much about a trendy design as long as it's clear, readable and easy to use - and I know that's what you guys have in mind: improve things. So I'll be happy with anything you chose (and will adapt to it if I have to) (provided it's no jigsaw puzzle or helpless treasure hunt ;)), but please remember that, even though "user is king", without mod authors and content creators there'd be no users.


Remember that content is what matters most - containers, not so much. Which is why I have to agree with some comments down here about the new black floating header which does hide almost a third of the page content on some screens: certainly not the best choice you've made.


You know, I believe there are two types of gamers who use mods: Creation Club users who download value-less so-called content without lifting a neuron, and the Nexus' users who try to understand how their games work and truly change their gaming experience with mods. "Keep it simple and stupid" they say, CC has chosen to emphasize on the "stupid" part of that motto - I trust you guys to rather "keep it simple and clever", as you always did... ;) A million thanks for that!

Edited by Hoamaii
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In response to post #73624738. #73625908, #73626058, #73627533, #73629743, #73632343 are all replies on the same post.

zelazko wrote: How do I remove annoying bottom vortex pop ups that appear and disappear when changing the card on the same content page?


I don't want your inferior mod manager software but appreciate the mods.

stahpk wrote: I would like to get rid of this also. I am a paid member. Why am I seeing your advertisement. There is not option to disable it or an X to click it off. We know you want to sell this site off but at least support your users for now.
jfjb2005 wrote: uBlock block element works for me
zelazko wrote: Your accusations are baseless if I didn't support users I wouldn't release single mod here. There are other sites for mod hosting you know?
I don't advertise any products here I dunno what you want nor I care.

R0NlN wrote: zelazko, the user you're replying to wasn't talking about you. stahpk was adding their voice to yours, and talking to Nexus about their advertisement for Vortex at the bottom of the page, same as you were. I hope that helps!
Pickysaurus wrote: I have already answered a very similar post here on this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8011498-new-nexus-site-style-the-vortex-flash/

@RON|N - thanks for clarification.
@stahpk - sorry if that is the case.
@pickysaurus - your answer doesn't answer the question but dodges it. Footer is at the bottom of the website and not flashes or pops up. Btw nexus already have footer.
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In response to post #73633553.

kestrelhawk wrote: After finding out that everything doesn't show using full screen, I have tried to get used to it, only to end up with a headache, literally. I can't possibly be the only one with vision issues, so is there any way at all that this can work using full screen?

Vision issues here too. I second that.
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In response to post #73633143.

Snakebearded wrote: All things being equal, more clicks to get to content is not good user experience. Many items are now hidden -- mod updates for example take additional clicks to view and have less presence than they did previously. This strikes me as a poor decision. Minimalism should be the means to an end, if anything, and not the end itself. I am in no way opposed to change but good design changes will improve navigation for the user, not hinder it.

This is my number one issue with this. i wish I was as eloquent as you.
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