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In response to post #73639383.

BAPWAS wrote: 'Back to top' isn't working anymore? Also games favorited are shown vertically instead of horizontally. I don't know if it's my browser.
EDIT: Yup, it;s my browser. Sorry about that!
EDIT 2: Needs some improvement on notification tab imo. I can't understand which one is read and which isn't.

The notifications tab only shows your unread alerts. Read notifications can be accessed by selecting "Read all"
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In response to post #73635258. #73635833, #73656328 are all replies on the same post.

valshares24 wrote: Before it was not necessary to click to open tabs. Why do you keep ruin the site...
tonycubed2 wrote: Amen to that. Why fix what is not broken?
kat1004 wrote: Did your user focus groups have anyone with arthritic hands or carpal tunnel, Picky? Serious question. Did they have *anyone at all* with hand problems? Because I can guarantee that clickable tabs are *not* superior in any way for us.

We experimented with hover during the beta, however the consensus from both our design team and user focus groups indicated that clickable tabs were superior. Edited by Pickysaurus
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In response to post #73624738. #73625908, #73626058, #73627533, #73629743, #73632343, #73634838 are all replies on the same post.

zelazko wrote: How do I remove annoying bottom vortex pop ups that appear and disappear when changing the card on the same content page?


I don't want your inferior mod manager software but appreciate the mods.

stahpk wrote: I would like to get rid of this also. I am a paid member. Why am I seeing your advertisement. There is not option to disable it or an X to click it off. We know you want to sell this site off but at least support your users for now.
jfjb2005 wrote: uBlock block element works for me
zelazko wrote: Your accusations are baseless if I didn't support users I wouldn't release single mod here. There are other sites for mod hosting you know?
I don't advertise any products here I dunno what you want nor I care.

R0NlN wrote: zelazko, the user you're replying to wasn't talking about you. stahpk was adding their voice to yours, and talking to Nexus about their advertisement for Vortex at the bottom of the page, same as you were. I hope that helps!
Pickysaurus wrote: I have already answered a very similar post here on this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8011498-new-nexus-site-style-the-vortex-flash/
zelazko wrote: @RON|N - thanks for clarification.
@stahpk - sorry if that is the case.
@pickysaurus - your answer doesn't answer the question but dodges it. Footer is at the bottom of the website and not flashes or pops up. Btw nexus already have footer.

Yes, the Vortex banner is part of the footer. It's not "popping up" at all, it's simply pushed up the screen in the split second it takes for the content of a mod page tab to load in. I'm not sure what part of that is unclear but I'd be happy to try and help you understand it?
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In response to post #73625933. #73626013, #73626803, #73627268, #73631813 are all replies on the same post.

rick0307 wrote: No more ability to search for mod authors? Without the author subcategory, your searches are small and random. Try "sleepy," for example.

I found your cleverly hidden updates, BTW. Na Na na na na.
Hoamaii wrote: Well, apparently "authors" have become "users"...
FastBlackCat wrote: Lovely. Searching by author was something I used fairly frequently.
Pickysaurus wrote: It works in exactly the same way, we aim to add the ability to search all users at some point in the future. For now it's only been renamed.
Hoamaii wrote: Not to be a drag, Pickysaurus, 'cause I really don't care that authors are now considered users, 'cause we are also that, but your new wording is still confusing.
Searching through "users" only gives you... "authors" for results. Any user who has never published a mod still never turns up in the results - which is still very unfair for all the "users" who publish a lot of content like screenshots and videos, even though they never uploaded a mod.
If we are offered to search for "users", it'd be only fair that we can then find ALL users, or at least all content-creators, not just mod authors.

Also, it'd be much more efficient to lend on the said-user's profile like we used to, instead of just a mods list like what we get now.
I use the search tool a LOT, and I know that we can find a profile by right-clicking on some user's name in the comment or media section - but what I'm most interested in is the full profile, with all types of contents, not just the mods, when I'm doing a search.

As I said, we're hoping to enhance this to be a full user search in future :)
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In response to post #73631198.

Vigilant Warden wrote: Admittedly, I ignored the heck out of the layout's beta test phase. My knee-jerk reaction to this new layout was pretty negative.

Having browsed around a bit, it's actually not so bad! It feels a good bit like the past layout but with a fancy new coat of paint! I'm willing to give it an earnest try.

I'm glad you are willing to try it out. I know if you didn't expect the change it hard to resist that knee-jerk "I hate it because it's different" reaction.

Please let us know how you find it!
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Another interface ruined in order to make it more convenient for phones! Are people really using their phones to install mods? It was much more functional before, now its much harder to just browse or search mods from the machine you are using to play them on!
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In response to post #73617903. #73645423, #73645573, #73648983 are all replies on the same post.




PlusUP wrote: I liked the old search feature. Pls put that in again (that search-pop-up). It takes to long to search through all mods when i press enter.

I like this design more but that feature was too good.

M48A5 wrote: I would also like my opinion known about the old search feature.

Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?

By process of elimination, I found that using "User" is how you search for mod authors.

BigBizkit wrote: The search popup/preview is still there. The search has not been changed at all in that regard. This seems more like a malfunction on your end or the search service struggling to keep up with requests.


It should still behave like this: https://imgur.com/a/Xt1dIAM

Hoamaii wrote: BigBizkit, PlusUP's question "Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?" is nonetheless legit.


Searching for "Users" when only mod authors return is confusing.

Unless of course you're planning to extend results to all users, which is something I really would love to see. Many non-mod-authors upload a lot of content like images or videos, it'd be really useful to be able to find them too with the search tool.

We are hoping to extend the search to all users in the future :smile:


Hoping to extend the search to all users defies logic. Are you saying that you will list all the people that have downloaded a particular mod?


Can you provide a logical reason to make the change from searching for the mod author to searching for "User"?


Or are you defining "User" as something other than someone that uses the mod?

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In response to post #73655083.

M48A5 wrote:


In response to post #73617903. #73645423, #73645573, #73648983 are all replies on the same post.

PlusUP wrote: I liked the old search feature. Pls put that in again (that search-pop-up). It takes to long to search through all mods when i press enter.
I like this design more but that feature was too good.
M48A5 wrote: I would also like my opinion known about the old search feature.
Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?
By process of elimination, I found that using "User" is how you search for mod authors.
BigBizkit wrote: The search popup/preview is still there. The search has not been changed at all in that regard. This seems more like a malfunction on your end or the search service struggling to keep up with requests.

It should still behave like this: https://imgur.com/a/Xt1dIAM

Hoamaii wrote: BigBizkit, PlusUP's question "Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?" is nonetheless legit.

Searching for "Users" when only mod authors return is confusing.
Unless of course you're planning to extend results to all users, which is something I really would love to see. Many non-mod-authors upload a lot of content like images or videos, it'd be really useful to be able to find them too with the search tool.

We are hoping to extend the search to all users in the future :smile:


Hoping to extend the search to all users defies logic. Are you saying that you will list all the people that have downloaded a particular mod?


Can you provide a logical reason to make the change from searching for the mod author to searching for "User"?


Or are you defining "User" as something other than someone that uses the mod?

A user search would search for a user. Different to how it currently works where it searches the "Author" and "Uploader" fields on mods.
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In response to post #73635258. #73635833, #73651048 are all replies on the same post.

valshares24 wrote: Before it was not necessary to click to open tabs. Why do you keep ruin the site...
tonycubed2 wrote: Amen to that. Why fix what is not broken?
Pickysaurus wrote: We experimented with hover during the better, however the consensus from both our design team and user focus groups indicated that clickable tabs were superior.

Did your user focus groups have anyone with arthritic hands or carpal tunnel, Picky? Serious question. Did they have *anyone at all* with hand problems? Because I can guarantee that clickable tabs are *not* superior in any way for us.
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