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Please help to solve a big problem


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Back in 2015 players were complaining about a bug at the Country Crossing settlement. There was a thread on Steam where a player explained that he put a wall on the west side of the settlement and left. When he returned the wall had disappeared and he and many others who reported the same bug hoped that a game update would fix it. In the screenshot he supplied he had used buses as wall elements and a wooden security watch piece but what struck me was that the squares where items went missing in his image matched the gaping hole in my settlement exactly. Something is really wrong in this cell.


Given the fact that most people don't spend the time on their settlements as I do, it is highly likely that everyone has this bug. Most don't build swimming pools, marble walkways and the rest of the stuff I do. When They notice the effect they simple put the turret somewhere else. In addition, when I first built this settlement I had no problems. I worked for hours without incident and left feeling rather proud of my work. On my return I was not sure how I had managed to get the hole and dismissed it with the possibility that something I had done had caused it. I rebuilt the section and left. On my return, the exact same foundation stones, floors, walls, and turrets were gone. So I took screenshots in preparation for this post. As I rebuilt the section for the "Before" image I CTD'd. The next CTD happened about 5 minutes into my rebuilding efforts. Then it was after about 60 seconds. I could not complete this task because I would CTD about 2 or 3 seconds after logging in and managed to run as far from the settlement as possible before saving.


In reviewing the comments made in 2015 most concerned CTDs in the area and I really don't think this has anything to do with mods, load order, or anything we as player may have done. I would open up the CK myself and find out if there was a poison pill in this cell. Unfortunately, I wouldn't know and someone who does understand the CK and what is okay and what is not needs to look at this cell and see if anything jumps out. Please, I'm going to have to shut this settlement down or ignore it and the surrounding area completely. It needs fixing. Not just for me but for the game enjoyment of everyone.


I am including links to images that will pinpoint the problem:









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So, no one has heard of this? No one has any ideas about what it may be connected to? No advice, clues to hunt down a solution? Nothing?

The items used and placements are needed to be made into a separate mod. Every element requires an Isolated directory that is unique to that specific setup.


The reason it disappears is due to cell reset. So, your saved game file will begin to degrade thus causing the CTD's.

This is a common bug. The area and parts are only contained in your saved game file.


They needs to be built with in the KIT, not in game. Once you do that, then it will remain stable.


Kitty Black

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Didn't someone come up with a fix for the cell reset bug???? I seem to remember something about that.

It's not pinned here as far as I know and besides, this particular application is user based saved game product.

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