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Ban for Fun


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I ban the messages I receive that interrupt my common sense that was, at times during my youth, too easily lead astray. 

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I'm not sure you can be off-topic/random topic in the banned section... but whatever - it's still a banning offence... anything is...

You're both banned. Have you been practising for the banned band Banned Band?

I like socks so George is extra banned...

(I hope all is well).

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I am sure I never intended to go off-topic until I realized the last ban about socks and sandals didn't make me feel like going outside without socks on in my boots.

I had to h have some work done on my gums.  Until regrown I have to drink through a straw carefully.  Take pills instead of chewing food.  I am already thinking of what I am going to eat when the gums get healed enough.  I know what foods stuff I am addicted to with clarity because I can't get what I want to eat off my mind.  Breakfast pancakes, with maple syrup, pork sausage paddies, and scrambled eggs. Oh MY!

I ban @zixi just for writing a long note about being off-topic.

Winter's is keeping the outdoors cold most of the time.  Staying warm indoors since there isn't enough snow to make angels in it, snow forts, or snowballs.

(I hope all is well too.) 

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