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Ban for Fun


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Banning Thor. for using the right amount of punctuations. There are people in the world who really don't need that punctuation!. They have this instead<<<<<<<


banning you again for mentioning i used the right amount of punctuation, and the weird ban.

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Ban Netwit for using a colorful ban.


Banning Pronam for banning me for having a colorful ban when he's a member of The Colored Rooms Project! :confused:



Bans Thor because he asks for kudos in his siggy.


Ban to Alex (hiya!) cause I already banned Thor for that! lol :cool:

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Banning you, was anyone hurt.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Banning Thor for asking WHEN HE SHOULDN'T HAVE ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, nah she wasn't hurt, but her boyfriend was furious. :unsure:

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