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Ban for Fun


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1st: I would like to ban myself for removing my own avatar. 2nd: I ban all those who have been banned and banned others before me. 3rd: I ban petunias from being planted where they do not grow as an indigenous plant. 4th: I ban all people from taking seeds of plants, cutlings from trees, and anyother types and planting them where they do not grow as an INDIGENOUS lifeform. 5th: I ban all creatures that are not originally from Earth from banning people on Earth from enjoying the merits of their banning of each other who are indigenous beings who have lived on Earth who were created from Earths own molecular structure.


Have I left anyone or anything out to ban? BAN BAN BAN BAN. That was just an even number more to add for anyone I might have not banned properly.

You can't ban Petunia, she's pushing up daisies!





Edited by MotoSxorpio
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Banned Paga cos if my own death actually resulted in a banning, ALL of my mods would be gone which would truly suck... Especially for all you lucky bastards!


Lol joking ofc


But really


If you want to shoot yourself in the foot ;)


Joking again


But, really...



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:laugh: I'm laughing too hard to ban anyone. :laugh: i'll give a try though. :laugh: I ban ironman5000 for giving me the idea to get a mod for a gun while I was thinking and writing my Day Dream about sailing a small ship to Boston, Mass! :laugh:


I see in your post Ironman5000 there is little boxes with x's in them beside the emotes you typed.

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