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Ban for Fun


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I ban billyro because he saw a "goat mating", out of the corner of his mind, when he was supposedly reading the words, "mod gating" and I ban billyro because he added extra 'a' to make the changes to mod gating too.


To err is human. :ohmy: To see an extra a where there is none and swap letters around to spell other words, is called, "an over exaggerated imagination". :laugh:


I ban Windows 10 for taking charge of the homegroup without permission while I had the Xbox 360 connected to the Modem router, and then, I suspect because the Xbox 360 could no longer find the server to play Destiny, I ban Windows 10 for blocking my connection to the server Xbox 360 uses, while using the Xbox 360 to play Destiny, because Windows 10 appears to only have XBox One connectability.


I ban Windows 10 for reasons my Windows 7 Pro would explain if it could text. :laugh:

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I ban billyro for not knowing that I need a new graphics card to actually run the god damn thing (have you seen the specs!) and possiblely need to build one from scratch to play current gen nicely


I ban paga for banning software

Edited by brokenergy
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I ban billyro for not knowing that I need a new graphics card to actually run the god damn thing (have you seen the specs!) and possiblely need to build one from scratch to play current gen nicely


If you can run Dragon Age Inquisition, you should be able to run Fallout 4 fine. And if not, there'll be mods.



Aaaaaanyway, I ban Moto for putting full-stops in the middle of his words. I ban Paga because of the Illuminati.

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