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Ban for Fun


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I ban OblivionAddicted because what happened with the the DEJ Harvest Flora made me want to mod.


When started in a new game all the fun stuff, fungi etc. disappeared with every click. Disappeared without a trace! While every flower, when picked, caused a sign that looked like a yellow explosion with text in it just like this, " W T F? Where did all my Meshes go?"


I decided to copy and paste the meshes from an Oblivion game back up I saved with the original stuff intact. The Meshes folder content's worked for an hour of play. When I quit the game, until the next day, and rebooted the game every bit of the flora exploded shouting at me again and again.

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I ban OblivionAddicted because I got to play Oblivion up to where I, finally, got to buy some cheap spells from one vendor before, in my excitement of adding more mods as I thought I might be able to too get all the mods I have installed to play.


I added one too many omod creations and crashed the game again.

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