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Ban for Fun


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I ban Pagafyr for ganging up on Oblivionaddicted and me...  (and Oblivionaddicted is unbanned cos I say so)


edit ...and wasn't that last comment hair-ist?

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I ban people who don't have any sense of humor for an adult-child twist of humor.  I ban anyone who acts like a parent here at a playground.  Play ground! 

I didn't make any of my bald friends a target, I made my bald spelling mistake into a joke.  HA!

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I ban Demorphic for spotting an egg that exploded and spying the baby dragon that escaped from it's shell.  Now flying toward a source of food.

Which makes that inappropri ???? (tasty little morsels) it Ate what it consumed.  It's food for green baby dragons; so when they are full grown their scales turn to a bright shiny gold.  (incoming snowball!)

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And Demorphic is banned after consultation with the Ashlander's wise woman. It's health & safety apparently.

And Pagafyr can't be banned as they're with the band...

But everyone else is banned... unless there with the band of course...

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