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Ban for Fun


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I multiplied ten times ten, one hundred times ten, a thousand times ten, a hundred thousand times ten, one million times ten, and one hundred million times ten, and so on until I had multiplied up to a trillion times ten.  My brain was so exhausted I fell asleep.  I did it so my body could get some needed rest because I did a lot of manual work and my body needed it.

I ban myself for not knowing if I snore when I am asleep.

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I ban Oblivionaddicted because you have better knowledge about what happens when you're sleep.

I am never awake to find out if I snore when I am asleep.  

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I ban zixi for not being able to get back to sleep because someone is snoring like a motor boat engine instead of rowing.  Rowing quietly.  Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream; merrily, merrily, merrily. 

Sing with me now.  Life is a dream.  Dream on, dream on!

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I ban Pagafyr for reminding me of The Final Frontier - Star Trek V and now I'll have to watch all those films again when I should be playing the flute...



edit - ummm everyone knows that Spock, Jim and Bones sing Row, row, row your boat - don't they? 😁

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I ban Pagafyr because I haven't banned anyone this year... so there! A ban a day keeps the (computer) bugs away - everyone knows that. 

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34 minutes ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

I ban you because 3 bans a day keep the Apple repairer away.

Ohhhh I sooo ban you for mentioning Apple when I'm all Linux! Linux keeps everything at bay... (Repairers - we laugh at repairers) 😄

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