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Ban for Fun


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I ban Drakefell01 because I didn't confuse this posts I WIN section in ban for fun.  Drakefell01 posted my Win in the last poster wins making that another sign showind I WIN!

Want to see it, and make it four wins for me?

3 hours ago, Drakefell01 said:

I ban Pagafyr for:

"The Win is mine!  Muwah ah ha ha haaaa.  Lisnpuppy beware!  I have begun taking over the world while under your old house after you moved and departed taking our dog with you.

If you don't recall I dove under there when you began flipping tables.  Your family dog brought me food and drink.  To save himself from your horrendous plans the dog unthinkingly stole your notes and brought them under the house to hide them from you.  I saw where the dog buried them.

After you moved to your new home I was starving without your dogs attentions.  Thinking the dog  might have buried a bone there (my last supper) I dug in the pile of dirt  I found your notes on how you planned to take over the world.  Muwah ah ha ha haa.


Now back to S. (Stelazine.) T. (Thorazine.) M. (Melaville.) E. (Ellaville. No not where the singer Ella Fitsgerald lives) STME radio station's regular broadcast.  Louis Armstrong and Ella sing.


in last post wins forum game

Now do you understand?


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I ban Pagafyr for being too enlightening.  I've been bending my brain around fixing mod conflicts in my bashed patch, and I'm not sure if my brain is ready for that post bending yet! 😜

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Banned. Obviously banning people in this thread is fun - it's kind of called Ban For Fun. If it wasn't fun then you couldn't be banning.

So, banned for being obvious... 😛

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Posted (edited)

I ban Drakefell01 for putting this Sponge song in my head. 😜

("🎶 Don't askwhyyyyyyy, don't ask whyyyyyyyy...  Don't askwhyyyyyyy, don't ask whyyyyyyyy... 🎶")

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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And I ban him for being goblinist! Where does that leave Deekin Scalesinger? Huh?


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