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Ban for Fun


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  Monolithic0117 said:
Banning nosisab for not seeing that I have different banning standards than him (although maybe he does...). Also banned for making convoluted sentences. Banning AzirAphale for mis-spelling nosisab.

Ban Monolithic0117 for having different banning standards, I banned someone long ago for using an avatar that 'suggest' (show?) the 'product' of human thinking (The Thinker, Rodin) literally 'going down'... I like to make people think.


This way I ban you because I understand what you say, it computes? you ban me because you do not understand me, it computes?


So get banned because there is no convolution in my sentence, neither a loop or it is recursive, not even a goto


Not because a classical logic, not a fuzzy logic. They too be banned here (paraconsistent?... shoo, shooo)


Anyway I ban you just because it's fun doing so, it's yet better I can ban everyone who dared to ban anyone in the meanwhile, because it's fun :)


In time: Obviously we can use any logic we want to ban anyone, we must just be careful to not let (I like split infinitives, they are impossible on my native idiom, sniff) this becoming a logic war, for the fun's sake. Hail Sheogorath!!! To understand me, one must be able to non linear thinking and shall seek the meanings beyond simple words.

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  wasder said:
Ban nosisab for grammatical faliure.

"one must be able to non linear thinking"

ban wasder for not being able :P


and for "faliure" at expressing failure (obs: there's no mistake, it's meant to be "expressing" in fact, not typing)

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