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Ban for Fun


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Ban calliton because of NI! (hehe, always useful...)

Ban floggingmolly because its just a little test and isn't intended to make any sense.

If you know anything that would make sense, please tell me. (=suggest)

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Banning floggingmolly22 for not mentioning the wonderful BBC television series and, of course, the earlier BBC radio series.
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Banning Azir for not supporting Chelsea, and because the books are better.
Banning floggingmolly for ALWAYS talking about chelsea. (Hey, I lived in Indonesia, and there's a bomb recently in my city. And MU should be visit here soon, I hate them but I don't wanna a bomb killed them. Rest in peace, for those who died. MU, be safe).


Update : MU isn't visiting my country, damn those terrorists. (Even I hated MU)

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